Will Rogers once said “Congress met today. I was afraid they might.” But even Rogers…
The author of Ecclesiastes says there is “a time to every purpose under the heavens;…
Recent reports have shared that our neighbors in Placer County are fighting the transient release of state…
The Bible describes rebellious people as being “stiff-necked.” I don’t know how rebellious I am,…
Since I took office in Dec 2022, I continue to do informal polls. Most of…
Parkways are more than just a nice paved trail for walking and biking. Our parkways…
I’ve been addressed by many names during my chaplain careers in both the military and…
Greetings and happy summer in Historic Folsom Phew…has it been hot! It’s a strange moment…
As California’s population exploded in the 1950s and 1960s – surpassing New York to become…