The Folsom City Council voted on Tuesday to authorize the City of Folsom Parks and Recreation Department to proceed with the replacement of the concrete slide landing area at Econome Family Park. The decision was made as part of the consent calendar during the council meeting, following a recommendation from the department.
The approval involves Resolution No. 11205, which permits the City Manager to execute a non-professional services agreement with Flex Ground, the company selected to carry out the project. The resolution also includes the appropriation of contingency funds to finance the improvements.
The Parks and Recreation Department initiated the project after evaluating the current concrete slide at Econome Park and determining the need for a safer landing zone. The proposed replacement will feature a poured-in-place rubber surface, consistent with existing surfacing at the park. This change aims to reduce the distance from the ground to the bottom of the slide, significantly lowering the risk of injury.
In accordance with Chapter 2.36.150 of the Folsom Municipal Code, the city manager is authorized to make emergency procurements when public health, welfare, or safety are at risk. This authorization allows for emergency procurement with sufficient competition as practicable. Flex Ground was the only firm that provided a responsible quote for the project.
The total cost of the project is estimated at $17,783.03, which includes $16,183.03 for the replacement of the slide landing zone and an additional $1,600 for potential contingencies. Funding for this emergency procurement will come from the General Fund’s contingency budget, which has sufficient funds available for the project.
The council’s approval ensures that the necessary upgrades will be made promptly, enhancing the safety and enjoyment of Econome Park for the community.