The Folsom City Council will gather for its first regular meeting of March this Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, where members will recognize outstanding local youth achievements, review critical financial reports, and vote on several resolutions aimed at infrastructure improvements and public safety initiatives.

Financial Reports and Budget Considerations

A significant portion of the meeting will focus on the city’s financial outlook. The City Manager will present Folsom’s second-quarter financial report for the 2024-25 fiscal year, offering insight into the city’s revenue streams, expenditures, and fiscal health. This update will allow city leaders to assess whether current financial strategies are meeting budgetary goals or if adjustments are necessary.


Additionally, the Council will formally receive and file the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ending June 30, 2024. This report provides a detailed review of the city’s financial position and ensures transparency in local government spending. It will serve as a key reference as the Council deliberates on upcoming projects and budget allocations.

One major fiscal resolution on the agenda is a directive for the Finance Director to transfer excess funds from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. This move ensures that surplus funds are reinvested into essential city infrastructure projects rather than sitting idle. These funds could help support various ongoing developments, including road improvements and public facilities.


Public Safety and Infrastructure Projects

The Council will also review a resolution acknowledging the completion of state-mandated fire inspections. These annual inspections are a crucial component of public safety, ensuring that commercial and residential properties comply with fire prevention standards. By formally recognizing the completion of these inspections, the city reaffirms its commitment to maintaining a safe environment for residents and businesses.

On the infrastructure front, the Council will consider a resolution to amend an agreement with Bennett Engineering Services, Inc. for continued work on the Basin 4 Phase 1 sewer project. This initiative is part of the city’s long-term plan to modernize and expand wastewater infrastructure, addressing growing demands and ensuring environmental compliance.


Another infrastructure-related resolution involves an amendment with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. to complete the project authorization and environmental documentation for the US-50/Empire Ranch Road Interchange. While this project remains several years away, securing environmental clearance is a critical first step before moving into the design phase, which is expected to take about two years. The interchange project aims to alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow for residents and commuters.


Environmental and Stormwater Management Efforts

Environmental compliance and sustainability initiatives will also be on the docket. The Council will vote on executing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Sacramento County for commercial and industrial stormwater inspections and enforcement. This agreement aligns with Folsom’s obligations under its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, which governs how stormwater runoff is managed to prevent pollution in local waterways.

In addition, the Council will consider submitting a grant extension and budget increase request to FEMA and the California Office of Emergency Services (CAL OES) for Folsom’s Defensible Space and Vegetation Management Plan. This initiative is designed to reduce wildfire risks by maintaining firebreaks, clearing hazardous vegetation, and implementing other fire prevention measures. Securing additional funding will enable the city to expand these efforts and enhance community safety.


Honoring Local Youth Achievements

The meeting will begin on a celebratory note with a resolution of commendation honoring the Vista Jr. Eagles Comp Cheer Squad. This talented group of young athletes has demonstrated exceptional skill, teamwork, and dedication in cheerleading competitions, earning them recognition from the city. The commendation underscores the city’s support for youth sports and extracurricular activities that foster leadership and discipline among young residents.

Following the commendation, the Council will hear a presentation on the benefits of youth sports, focusing on their impact on physical health, academic performance, and social development. Youth sports programs have long been a staple of the Folsom community, providing opportunities for teamwork, discipline, and fitness. The presentation will highlight how these programs contribute to community well-being and discuss potential avenues for continued city support and investment.

The Folsom City Council meeting takes place at City Hall, located at 50 Natoma Street, and is open to the public. Community members are encouraged to attend and provide input on agenda items during the public comment period, with remarks generally limited to three minutes.

For those unable to attend in person, full agenda details and staff reports can be accessed here. Or an be viewed below with clickable links to expand the topic of interest.

City Council Regular Meeting and Joint City Council/ Folsom Redevelopment Successor Agency/ Folsom Public Financing Authority/ Folsom Ranch Financing Authority/ South of 50 Parking Authority Meeting


Councilmembers:     Kozlowski, Leary, Raithel, Rohrbough, Aquino
The City Council has adopted a policy that no new item will begin after 10:30 p.m.  Therefore, if you are here for an item that has not been heard by 10:30 p.m., you may leave, as the item will be continued to a future Council meeting.
Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item within the Folsom City Council’s subject matter jurisdiction.  Public comments are generally limited to no more than three minutes.  Except for certain specific exceptions, the City Council is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not appearing on the posted agenda.
1.Resolution of Commendation Honoring Vista Jr. Eagles Comp Cheer Squad 03-11-2025 Resolution of Commendation Honoring Vista Jr. Eagles Comp Cheer Squad.pdf (0.14 MB)
2.Presentation of the Benefits of Youth Sports 03-11-2025 Staff Report- Presentation of the Benefits of Youth Sports.pdf (0.06 MB)
3.City Manager’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Second Quarter Financial Report 03-11-2025 Staff Report- City Manager’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Second Quarter Financial Report.pdf (0.99 MB)
Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be approved by one motion. Councilmembers may pull an item for discussion.
4.Receive and File the City of Folsom Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2024 03-11-2025 Staff Report- Receive and File the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.pdf (0.08 MB)
5.Resolution No. 11333 – A Resolution Acknowledging Receipt of Completed Annual State Mandated Fire Inspections 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11333- Acknowledging Receipt of Completed Annual State Mandated Fire Inspections.pdf(0.44 MB)
6.Resolution No. 11334- A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement (Contract No. 173-21 21-067) with Bennett Engineering Services, Inc. for Design Services for the Basin 4 Phase 1 Sewer Project (WW2201) 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11334- Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Bennett Engineering Services.pdf (0.24MB)
7.Resolution No. 11335 – A Resolution Directing the Finance Director to Make a Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the Amount in Excess of the General Fund Reserve 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11335- Directing the Finance Director to Make a Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.pdf (0.16 MB)
8.Resolution No. 11336 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Sacramento for Commercial and Industrial Stormwater Inspections and Enforcement Within Folsom to Comply with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11336- MOU with the County of Sacramento to Comply with the City’s NPDES Permit.pdf(0.95 MB)
9.Resolution No. 11337- A Resolution Authorizing Staff to Submit Grant Extension and Budget Increase Request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and California Office of Emergency Services for the City of Folsom Defensible Space and Vegetation Management Plan 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11337- Grant Extension and Budget Increase Request to FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.pdf (0.30 MB)
10.Resolution No. 11338- A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract Amendment with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. (Formerly Drake Haglan & Associates) to Complete the Project Authorization and Environmental Documentation for the US-50/Empire Ranch Road Interchange (Project No. PW1804) and Appropriation of Funds 03-11-2025 Staff Report RES 11338- Contract Amendment with Dewberry Eingineers for the US-50 Empire Ranch Road Interchange.pdf (0.32 MB)
ROLL CALL: Council / Boardmembers:   Aquino, Kozlowski, Leary, Raithel, Rohrbough
11.Receive and File the City of Folsom, the Folsom Redevelopment Successor Agency, the Folsom Public Financing Authority, the Folsom Ranch Financing Authority, and the South of 50 Parking Authority Monthly Investment Reports for the Month of December 2024 03-11-2025 Staff Report- Receive and File Monthly Investment Reports for the Month of December 2024.pdf (1.50 MB)