Choose Folsom’s reason for being is to promote economic vitality, community prosperity, and quality of life. Giving our business community the tools and resources they need to succeed and celebrating their wins are big parts of this. Read on to see how we’re doing both.

Regional Mixer with Our El Dorado County Neighbors: County lines can seem arbitrary at times. El Dorado Hills is one of our closest neighbors, so I’m looking forward to our special Joint Mixer with the El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce. Join me on Wednesday, April 9, from 5:30 to 7 at Revel Folsom. 


The mixer will allow you to expand your connections and foster new relationships with professionals from the Folsom and El Dorado Hills communities. It will also be an opportunity to collaborate, exchange ideas, and grow your network.

Celebrate Folsom Businesses at the Annual Awards Event: Recognizing the Folsom business community is one of the perks of my job. I always look forward to Choose Folsom’s Annual Awards Event. This year’s event is on Wednesday, April 23, from 4:30 – 7 pm. I invite you to join us as we honor business leaders and community advocates at the Annual Awards Celebration at Lakeside Folsom.


Save the Date: Future Folsom: Following the theme of helping and empowering businesses, mark your calendar for Future Folsom on May 14. This annual event provides a wealth of regional economic insights from an array of experts and essential information to help you plan. Plus, it’s an opportunity to connect with the Folsom business community.

Joe Gagliardi is the CEO of Choose Folsom and the Folsom Chamber of Commerce, his commentary appears regularly in Folsom Times is a Chairman’s Circle Partner with the Chamber of Commerce.
