I am an 18-year resident of Folsom and I write to express my strong opposition to Measure G.  This “local citizens initiative” will increase the sales tax rate by 1% from 7.75% to 8.75% permanently.  This tax increase is not needed for 3 reasons.

First, inflation in California (aka, California Consumer Price Index or CCPI), as reported by the State Board of Equalization is 16.8% over the past 3 years.  As the price of goods and services has increased, Folsom’s tax revenue has surged proportionally.  As a result of higher prices, the City has enjoyed the benefit of more money pouring into its coffers.


Second, as Folsom’s population has exploded in recent years, so has the City’s tax base.  This is readily and visibly evident with all of the new homes south of Highway 50 and the numerous, large apartment complexes that have been constructed mostly along the East Bidwell Street corridor.

Third, the City has increased the price it charges for its utilities (ie, water, garbage, sewer, etc.) by 21% over the past 3 years.  This does not include the mandatory residential organics waste and recycling charge (Senate Bill 1383).  At a time when the City raised the price of its services by more than the rate of inflation, how can they claim they are hurting for more money?


The City of Folsom does not have a revenue problem; they have a spending problem.  I told this to the councilmember who represents me in District 3.  While a $1 increase for every $100 spent does not sound like much, it has a cumulative effect over time.  The cost of groceries, gasoline, SMUD, PG&E, etc. are crushing those trying to stay afloat.  I implore residents of Folsom to Vote No on Measure G on November 5th.

Todd Pfeffer, Folsom Resident


The above commentary was authored by Todd Pfeffer and submitted to Folsom Times. He can be reached at todd.pfeffer@yahoo.com. The views and opinions expressed in community commentary submissions are that of the authors and do not reflect the views and opinions of Folsom Times, its management, staff, stakeholders or advertisers.


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