I’m a Survivor. Apparently I may be in the top nine percent of the population and so I am surrounded by failures. Unfortunately, those in that group of failures might include some friends and loved ones. Failure was inevitable. It’s backed by thousands of years of history of failure. We all knew the risks going in on that fateful day. But we can’t help ourselves. We just do it anyway. Then just days later, there are days to mark these failures. We can acknowledge our failure, be free again and even celebrate. As a result, we can return to our happy, imperfect lives. Yes, I’m talking about those New Year’s Resolutions that we feel so compelled to make. You know, those promises to ourselves to improve our lives. Yet, approximately two weeks later, it seems that so many people quit, we even have a name for these days.

One such day is National Quitters Day. It’s on the 2nd Friday in January, so this year it was on January 12. It seems that 80% of the people that made New Year’s resolutions are done by then. But if you’re lucky enough to make it through the first cut, well, there’s another day waiting for you. Just a few days later, on January 17, it is National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day. With such unofficial holidays, there’s not much data supporting the actual failure rate. But it’s probably fair to assume that most of those resolutions fade away.


The habit of making a New Year’s resolution dates back to the Babylonian festival over 4000 years ago. You’d think by now, we’d know how to stick to our resolution. Or do what I do. Pick a resolution that I know will stick.

I’m a Survivor. I’m not much of a resolution maker. That’s probably my best resolution and honestly, it’s pretty easy to keep that one. I’m not one to make dramatic life changes because of the turn of a calendar page. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve incorporated lots of change in my life. And I’m confident to say that it has been for the better. Eat less, exercise more, go to sleep earlier, more life balance, celebrate more of these silly National “Holidays” are just some examples.  Between New Years and National Quitters Day and National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day, there’s was National Buffet Day & National Cream Puff Day. Hmmm. If I keep up on my resolution to celebrate more National Holidays, it really is going to impact my Eat Less resolution. I think it’s safer to stick to the real important National Holidays. National Rubber Ducky Day was on 1/13/24 and Left Handers Day is August 13. Now I really have something to look forward to.


But for all of the Quitters and Ditchers, go celebrate! Watch more animal videos. Eat after 9pm. Post more selfies. Sleep in. Skip that workout. Rise above and join the crowd! Join the crowd that is spending their time thinking about real estate in the wonderful Folsom and El Dorado Hills (EDH) areas. Maybe your resolution is to move! If so, here’s some startling and not-so-startling details about our wonderful communities when comparing 2023 to 2022.

The number of homes sold in both EDH and Folsom was down over 20% compared to 2022. But the average price of a Sold home was very flat in EDH – in fact some data shows that the price actually increase less than 1% in 2023. But in Folsom, prices declined approximately six percent; not as significant as many buyers expected or wanted. Inventory, or the number of homes available for sale still remains low and it took longer to sell those homes. A high percentage of homes sold still received multiple offers. But those multiple offers are certainly no guarantee of a home being sold above list price. I observe buyers submitting lower offers on homes. 


These market shifts go well beyond the reported statistics. The shifting market is always exciting. I look forward to an exciting 2024 as the real estate market looks promising. If my clients are any indication, activity for buyers and sellers will be picking up in early 2024. I think it’s already started! 


I love where I live. I’m excited to continue to help more families in 2024 with their real estate needs. With proper planning and a good Realtor (Luckily, I know a really good one….), you can smoothly get to your next stage in life. For more tips on how to successfully navigate the real estate purchase or sale, or suggestions on Folsom topics, please contact me at Coldwell Banker Realty, 916.812.4341, pquan@cbnorcal.comwww.PatQuan.com. CA DRE #01918240