Longtime public servant and dedicated community advocate, Barbara Leary, has officially announced her candidacy for Folsom City Council, representing District 4. With decades of experience in healthcare and local government, Leary aims to continue her work in making Folsom a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive community, reads her canpaign announcement she released Friday. 

Barbara Leary’s deep roots in Folsom stretch back to 1992 when she moved here with her daughter, drawn by the city’s excellent quality of life. A now retired Nurse Practitioner at UC Davis Medical Center, Leary has devoted herself to serving both her patients and her city with unwavering dedication.


Throughout her career, Barbara has been a champion for preservation and conservation, working tirelessly on the Folsom Parks and Recreation Commission and co-founding the Natoma Station Community Organization. Her leadership led to significant improvements in local park development and community planning, preserving vital open spaces and historical sites.

Barbara has also served on the City’s Arts and Cultural Commission, enhancing Folsom’s cultural landscape. Her role on various commissions, most recently the Folsom Planning Commission, highlights her broad engagement with the city’s governance, particularly in ensuring that land use is compatible with neighborhoods and supporting local businesses.


 Leary’s campaign focuses on critical areas such as strategic city planning and development, public safety, homelessness, and long-term financial sustainability. She is committed to ensuring that Folsom not only grows but thrives as a model of community-driven governance.

“Folsom stands at a crossroads, and we need leadership that can preserve our heritage while steering us towards a future that offers prosperity and security for all our citizens,” said Leary. “I am ready to continue my service to Folsom by representing District 4 and working collaboratively to address our challenges.”


Barbara Leary’s track record of effective leadership and her commitment to Folsom’s residents make her a formidable candidate for City Council. As Folsom continues to grow, her visionary yet pragmatic approach will be essential in guiding the city towards a successful and sustainable future.


*Content source: Barbara Leary Campaign Press Release
