New City Manager’s Second Quarter Finincial Report among scheduled presentations
Folsom City Council will convene for its final regular meeting of March on Tuesday evening with a full agenda that spans infrastructure, finance, housing, and neighborhood maintenance. Set for 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 50 Natoma Street, the meeting also includes a joint session of the Folsom Ranch Financing Authority, highlighting the scope of issues under consideration.
Among the headline items is a public hearing and resolution on the formation of the new Natoma Station Maintenance Assessment District No. 2025-1, a move designed to replace the aging original district formed in 1990. Over the years, the assessment rate has remained stagnant while costs have increased, resulting in a projected deficit of more than $620,000 by the end of the current fiscal year. The proposed district includes an annual assessment averaging $258 per home, adjusted by benefit level, and includes a cap on annual escalators of up to 3%. If approved, the new district will consolidate with the existing one and ensure ongoing maintenance of landscaping, streetlights, irrigation systems, mini parks, and public art across 1,272 homes in the Natoma Station area.
The council will also take up multiple resolutions tied to the issuance of special tax revenue bonds for Folsom Ranch’s Community Facilities District No. 23, Improvement Area No. 7, totaling up to $12 million. The joint meeting with the Folsom Ranch Financing Authority will authorize the sale and delivery of the bonds, the execution of supporting agreements, and the adoption of a preliminary official statement. The funds will provide vital infrastructure to support the continued buildout of Folsom Ranch south of Highway 50.
City Manager Bryan Whitemyer will present the Second Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2024–25, continued from earlier this month. This will be Whitemyer’s first presentation in his new role as Folsom’s City Manager. The report will include a financial snapshot of General Fund performance and adjustments proposed mid-year. One such item is a resolution directing the Finance Director to transfer funds exceeding the city’s reserve requirement into the Capital Projects Fund, reinforcing the city’s long-term infrastructure investments.
Two significant capital maintenance projects are up for approval: one to replace sand filters at the Steve Miklos Aquatics Center, and another to replace fencing at the historic Natoma Sluice Diggings site. Both contracts will be funded through the city’s General Fund contingency budget.
Meanwhile, two agreements related to the Ashland Water Rehabilitation Project are slated for approval, including a design contract amendment with HydroScience Engineers, Inc., and a construction management amendment with West Yost & Associates, Inc.
In the realm of affordable housing, the council will consider a revised repayment structure for a $2.7 million loan to Pacific West Communities for the construction of 52 units at the Harrington Grove Affordable Housing Development. Another housing item proposes allocating up to $810,000 in state funding to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento, enabling the construction of 10 affordable homes on Persifer Street in Folsom.
The meeting will also include a final map and subdivision improvement agreement for Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2D, a step forward in ongoing residential development in the southern area.
Lastly, the council will review the 2024 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report, offering a retrospective on how the city is meeting its planning and housing goals in alignment with state mandates.
The public is encouraged to attend in person or stream the meeting live via the city’s website. To view the full agenda and related staff reports see the agenda with clickable items or visit the city website HERE.
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City Council Regular Meeting and Joint City Council/ Folsom Ranch Financing Authority
March 25, 2025 6:30 P.M. Folsom City Hall, 50 Natoma Street, Folsom
The City Council has adopted a policy that no new item will begin after 10:30 p.m. Therefore, if you are here for an item that has not been heard by 10:30 p.m., you may leave, as the item will be continued to a future Council meeting.
Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item within the Folsom City Council’s subject matter jurisdiction. Public comments are generally limited to no more than three minutes. Except for certain specific exceptions, the City Council is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not appearing on the posted agenda.PUBLIC HEARING:
- 1.Resolution No. 11341 – A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Folsom Declaring Results of the Natoma Station Maintenance Assessment District No. 2025-1 Ballot Proceeding, Approving the Final Engineer’s Report, Confirming the Diagram and Assessments, and Ordering the Levying of Assessments for the Maintenance and Servicing of Improvements Within Said District
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11341- Declaring Results of the Natoma Station Maintenance Assessment District No. 2025-1 Ballot Proceeding.pdf (5.70 MB)
CONVENE JOINT MEETINGROLL CALL: Council / Boardmembers: Leary, Raithel, Rohrbough, Kozlowski, AquinoPUBLIC HEARING:
- 2.Folsom Ranch Financing Authority City of Folsom Community Facilities District No. 23 (Folsom Ranch) Improvement Area No. 7 Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2025
i. Resolution No. 11344 – A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Folsom Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Folsom Community Facilities District No. 23 (Folsom Ranch) Improvement Area No. 7 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2025, the Execution of an Indenture Providing therefor, Authorizing the Execution of a Local Obligation Purchase Contract, and Authorizing Necessary Actions and the Execution of other Documents in Connection Therewith
ii. Resolution No. 014-Folsom Ranch FA – A Resolution of the Governing Board of the Folsom Ranch Financing Authority Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of not to exceed $12,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of City of Folsom Community Facilities District No. 23 (Folsom Ranch) Improvement Area No. 7 Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2025; Approving the Form and Substance of a Trust Agreement, Authorizing Modifications thereof and Execution and Delivery as Modified; Approving a Preliminary Official Statement, Authorizing Changes thereto and Execution and Delivery of an Official Statement to be Derived therefrom; Approving a Local Obligation Purchase Contract and a Bond Purchase Contract and Execution and Delivery of Each; and Authorizing Related Actions Necessary to Implement the Proposed Financing
- 3.City Manager’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Second Quarter Financial Report (Continued from 03/11/2025)
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report- Presentation of the City Manager’s FY24-25 Second Quarter Financial Report.pdf (0.99 MB)
Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be approved by one motion. Councilmembers may pull an item for discussion.
- 4.Approval of February 25, 2025 Special and Regular Meeting Minutes
- 03-25-2025 City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes from 02-25-2025.pdf (0.29 MB)
- 5.Approval of February 28, 2025 Special Meeting Minutes
- 03-25-2025 City Council Special Meeting Minutes from 02-28-2025.pdf (0.07 MB)
- 6.Approval of March 11, 2025 Special, Regular and Joint Meeting Minutes
- 03-25-2025 City Council Special, Regular and Joint Meeting Minutes from 03-11-2025.pdf (0.27 MB)
- 7.Resolution No. 11335 – A Resolution Directing the Finance Director to Make a Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the Amount in Excess of the General Fund Reserve (Continued from 03/11/2025)
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11335- Directing the Finance Director to Make a Transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.pdf (0.16 MB)
- 8.Resolution No. 11339 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with S & S Fence Company Inc. for the Replacement of the Existing Wrought Iron Fence at the Natoma Sluice Diggings Site and Use of General Fund (Fund 010) Contingency Budget
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11339- Contract with S&S Fence Company for the Replacement of the Existing Wrought Iron Fence.pdf (0.20 MB)
- 9.Resolution No. 11340 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with KSI an Aquafinity Company for the Replacement of the Sand Filters at the Steve Miklos Aquatics Center and Use of General of Fund (Fund 010) Contingency Budget
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11340- Agreement with KSI for the Replacement of Sand Filters at the Steve Miklos Aquatics Center.pdf (0.22 MB)
- 10.Resolution No. 11342 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement (Contract No. 173-21 20-031) with HydroScience Engineers, Inc. for Design Services for the Ashland Water Rehabilitation Project No. 1 (Project WA 2101) and Appropriation of Funds
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11342- Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement with HydroScience Engineers for the Ashland Water Rehab Project No. 1.pdf (0.31 MB)
- 11.Resolution No. 11343 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement (Contract No. 173-21 23-034) with West Yost & Associates, Inc. for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Ashland Water Rehabilitation Project No. 1 (WA2101) and Appropriation of Funds
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11343- Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with West Yost for the Ashland Water Rehab Project No. 1.pdf (0.34 MB)
- 12.Resolution No. 11345 – A Resolution of the City of Folsom Authorizing the City’s Allocation of up to $810,000 in Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds Received Through the Allocation Agreement with Sacramento County to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento for the Construction of the 10 Affordable Housing Units for the Persifer Street Project and Appropriation of Funds
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11345- Habitat for Humanity for the Construction of 10 Affordable Housing Units for the Persifer St. Project.pdf (0.48 MB)
- 13.Resolution No. 11349 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Accept Offers of Dedication for the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2D Subdivision, and Approval of the Final Map for the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2D Subdivision
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11349- Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2D.pdf (13.88 MB)
- 14.Resolution No. 11346 – A Resolution of the City of Folsom Approving Revisions to the Repayment Terms of an Approved Affordable Housing Loan in the Amount of $2,700,000 from the City’s Housing Fund to Pacific West Communities, Inc., for the Construction of 52 Affordable Housing Units at the Harrington Grove Multifamily Affordable Housing Development
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report RES 11346- Approving Revisions to the Repayment Terms of an Approved Affordable Housing Loan.pdf (1.03 MB)
- 15.2024 General Plan (and Housing Element) Annual Progress Report
- 03-25-2025 Staff Report- 2024 General Plan (and Housing Element) Annual Progress Report.pdf (6.10 MB)