The prank of doorbell ditching has been going on for years amongst teens, but according to Folsom Police, a trio of teens took things a little too far for a local resident this past weekend in an incident that could have had an ending that would be no laughing matter.

While the Folsom Police Department cites that there was no evidence visible of a crime on video footage, they have shared details about the incident in an effort to raise awareness amongst other teens and parents alike.


According to Folsom Police Detective Andrew Graham, it was just before 1 a.m. on Sunday when the camera within a Ring brand doorbell captured three teens performing a doorbell ditch prank using a toy rifle in a neighborhood near Livermore Park in Folsom.  Graham told media that the teens appeared to be 13-15 years in age.

 A doorbell ditch is an age old prank where someone rings a doorbell, usually and odd hours, then flees from the area.


The residents noticed the footage the next morning, which shows one of the teens holding a small toy rifle and pointing at the door of the home. Upon close investigation of the footage, officers determined that the replica did not have the ability of firing anything. 

While the department has noted the incident is not an active police matter, they want to raise awareness due to the fact the prank could have escalated into something much worse. 


“There are residents who exercise their Second Amendment right. If somebody comes up to your house with what appears to be a firearm, the outcome could have been very different for these kids. We encourage parents to speak with kids. Have discussions with your children about it and what could have potentially gone very badly.”


The teens have not been identified, the footage is not being shared publicly because there are minors.