Five of Folsom’s former mayors, including Glenn Fait, Bob Holderness, Kerri Howell, Steve Miklos, and Andy Morin, have all endorsed a citizen-led measure to place a 1-cent (1%) sales tax measure on the November ballot, with all funds exclusively earmarked to stay in Folsom for vital services, improvements, and investments.  The endorsement was announced via the following Folsom Takes Action press release issued last week.

“It’s a powerful statement that these leaders in our community, representing more than 30 years of history in making our city a great place to live, work and raise a family, recognize the need for this measure and have chosen to support it,” said Bruce Cline, chair of Folsom Takes Action, the citizens’ group behind the measure. 

The group’s proposal is in response to warnings raised by the City Manager and the city’s Finance Department indicating city revenue is flattening and, despite more than a decade of efforts to cut costs, expenses are outpacing revenues.

The city’s options are either to further reduce services, raise revenues, or both. For many Folsom residents, who expect a high level of service from their city, cutting services is not an option –  the city already has 77 fewer employees and eight fewer police officers today than it did in 2008.

“I am a 36+ year resident… I believe in our town and know there are many needs and that we must invest in it to keep it the great place that we all love,” wrote Morin, who served five terms as mayor between 2006 and 2017, in an endorsement statement. “Please join me in this important, community-based, grass roots effort to invest in the security of Folsom’s bright future.”

The citizens’ group is now gathering signatures to place the measure on the ballot. About 8,000 signatures are needed and the group is “busting its pick” to reach that goal by April 24.  If passed by the voters, all funds raised would remain in Folsom and be monitored by a Citizens Oversight Committee.   

            As a “special” tax, the new revenue can only be used for identified purposes in Folsom, including public safety (fire protection and emergency medical response, reducing crime and addressing homelessness), improving traffic and repairing damaged streets, improving parks and trails, stormwater system improvements for flood protection, community enhancement projects, and economic development. Revenues cannot be placed into the General Fund, and cannot be used to enhance pensions or retirement benefits for city employees. 

            “We’ve got signature gatherers all over town – if you see them please take a few minute to sign the petition, and let’s let the people of Folsom vote on this,” Cline said.  

            Estimates from the city’s finance department suggest the proposal would raise $29 million annually, none of which could be taken by the state or county. Data from the finance department also shows that as much as 40% of Folsom’s sales tax is paid by out-of-town shoppers and visitors, who also benefit from Folsom’s public services.  

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Content Source: Press Release authored and submitted for publication by the residents involved with Folsom Takes Action: