With temperatures expected to soar into triple digits this week, residents of Folsom are urged to take precautions to stay safe and cool amidst the scorching heat.

The National Weather Service has issued forecasts predicting multiple days of extreme heat across the region, prompting concerns over potential heat-related health issues.

To combat the rising temperatures, officials are recommending several key measures:

– **Stay hydrated:** Drink plenty of cool water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages and heavy meals.

– **Limit sun exposure:** Seek shelter in air-conditioned environments during peak heat hours. For those without access to air conditioning, cool showers and damp cloths on the head and neck can help lower body temperature.

Check on loved ones Ensure elderly relatives, friends, and neighbors are safe and cool, as they are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses.

Wear appropriate clothing: Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing to help maintain a normal body temperature.

Avoid peak heat hours:Schedule outdoor activities during cooler morning or evening hours. Take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas and refrain from strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day.

Beware of hot cars:Never leave children, elderly individuals, or pets in parked cars, even for a short period of time. The temperature inside a parked vehicle can escalate quickly to dangerous levels.

Keep pets cool: Provide pets with ample water and shade. Avoid exercising them during peak heat hours and consider bringing them indoors if possible.

-Use sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect against sunburn and heat-related skin damage.

I’m Stay informed:Stay updated with local weather forecasts and heed any heat advisories or alerts issued by authorities.

In response to the anticipated heat wave, the city of Folsom has opened a cooling center at the Folsom Police Department lobby, located at 46 Natoma Street. The center will be operational daily from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. until Sunday, July 7th. Additional cooling centers are available throughout Sacramento County. Residents can find the latest information on cooling center locations, dates, and hours by dialing 211 or visiting 211sacramento.org.

By taking these precautions, residents can ensure their safety and well-being during this period of extreme heat. Planning ahead and staying informed are crucial steps in minimizing the risks associated with high temperatures, allowing everyone to enjoy the summer season safely.