The Folsom City Council, in its regular meeting Tuesday, gave final approval to a residential development known as the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2B Subdivision. 

This project will introduce 100 high-density single-family homes in the Folsom Plan Area, specifically located on the north side of White Rock Road, east of Oak Avenue Parkway, and south of Mangini Parkway. The approval marks the culmination of a rigorous planning and review process that aligns with the city’s broader strategy for managing growth and development.


The project, part of a larger Phase 2 vesting tentative map approved in January 2022, underwent thorough scrutiny to ensure compliance with local zoning regulations and environmental standards. The final map, which dictates the precise layout and infrastructure of the subdivision, was carefully reviewed by the Community Development Department and other relevant city departments. The final map’s approval signifies that it meets all the necessary conditions set forth in the initial vesting tentative map.

Central to the council’s decision was the approval of a subdivision improvement agreement, a critical document that outlines the responsibilities of the developer, Toll Brothers West, Inc., in constructing the necessary public infrastructure. This includes the development of streets, sidewalks, storm drainage systems, and utilities, all of which are essential to support the new homes and integrate them into the existing urban fabric of Folsom. The estimated cost for these improvements exceeds $2 million, and the agreement includes performance and payment bonds to ensure that the developer fulfills its obligations.


The project’s environmental impact was a key consideration throughout the planning process. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously prepared for the Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan, which encompasses the subdivision. In addition, an addendum to the EIR was adopted by the City Council on March 10, 2020, specifically for the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch project. This addendum confirmed that the subdivision would not result in new or significantly adverse environmental impacts, consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As a result, no additional environmental documentation was required, allowing the project to proceed smoothly.

The subdivision is designed to include a variety of public amenities and infrastructure that align with the city’s standards and the Folsom Plan Area’s vision. This includes the dedication of land for public utility easements, which will facilitate the installation and maintenance of critical infrastructure such as water, gas, sewer, and electricity. The subdivision will also provide emergency vehicle access to ensure public safety. Additionally, the project includes provisions for landscaping that will contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the area and enhance the quality of life for future residents.


As part of the final approval, the City Council also accepted offers of dedication for public streets and other necessary infrastructure, which will become the city’s responsibility once completed. These dedications are a standard part of the subdivision process and are essential for integrating new developments into the city’s existing network of public services and infrastructure.


Those wishing to review the full staff report and do so HERE.
