The City of Folsom is considering increases to Folsom’s multifamily housing capacity. The city’s Community Development Department has announced it will be holding two public workshops this month. 

According to the City of Folsom website, the forthcoming workshops will take place in conjunction with Planning Commission and City Council meetings this month on Mar. 15 and March 28.


Proposed increases to Folsom’s multifamily housing capacity will be considered in three targeted areas:

The East Bidwell Corridor


Transit priority areas near the Glenn and Iron Point light rail stations

The Folsom Plan Area, particularly the Folsom Town Center


This effort is part of the city’s 2021-2029 Housing Element implementation plan, which was adopted by Council in August 2021, and the Targeted Multi-family and Mixed-use Housing Study, which was completed in July 2022. 


The upcoming workshops are as follows:

Planning Commission Workshop


Wednesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m.

Folsom City Hall, Council Chambers, 50 Natoma Street

City Council Workshop

Tuesday, March 28, 6:30 p.m.

Folsom City Hall, Council Chambers, 50 Natoma StreetThe public is encouraged to attend the workshops and provide input. Learn more at

Background: Targeted Multi-family and Mixed-use Housing Study and Implementation

In response to State housing requirements, the City of Folsom began a two-part effort to identify areas to increase housing capacity for multi-family and affordable development. 

The City hired Opticos Design, Inc. to prepare a targeted multi-family and mixed-use housing study.  The study evaluated attractive design, density, development standards, and market feasibility for multi-family and residential mixed-use development in three targeted areas. 

The three areas are the East Bidwell Street Corridor, the Transit Priority Areas around the Glenn and Iron Point light rail stations, and the Folsom Plan Area, particularly the Folsom Town Center, south of Highway 50.    

On July 26, 2022, staff presented the final study with specific recommendations regarding changes to density, design, and development standards in these targeted areas to the City Council.  

The Council provided input and was generally supportive of staff’s recommendations.

The City has now begun the second part of the effort to increase opportunities for higher density housing in the targeted areas and will be seeking community input during this process.  

Part 2 involves the technical and environmental analyses to increase housing capacity and for necessary amendments to the General PlanFolsom Plan Area Specific Plan (FPASP), and Zoning Code.  

By increasing capacity in the targeted areas, the City will be able to maintain an adequate supply of land for multi-family housing without having to rezone land in existing residential areas as could be required under the State’s Housing Element requirements.  It is anticipated that this effort will be completed by the end of 2023.  For more information, refer to the city of Folsom website at

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