Help protect and enhance the historic and cultural character of Folsom’s treasured Historic District. The City of Folsom seeks a resident, business owner, and historic preservationist to serve on the Historic District Commission.


The commission is responsible for reviewing the design and architecture of new or altered structures within the Historic District, as well as applications for sign permits, conditional use permits, variances, land divisions, and land mergers within the district. 

In addition, the Historic District Commission advises and makes recommendations to the City Council concerning matters associated with historic landmarks, sites, and structures.


The purpose of the Historic District Commission, in part, is to preserve and enhance the historic, small-town atmosphere of the Historic District; to encourage an active business climate which promotes the development of a diverse range of businesses compatible with the Historic District; to retain the residential areas within the Historic District; to ensure that new residential and commercial development is consistent with the historical character of the Historic District; and to increase the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the history of the city. 

There are currently three seats available to fill. Members of the Historic District Commission must be residents and registered voters of the City of Folsom and must meet the qualifications for each seat as specified above.Applications are due November 16. To apply or for more information visit the City of Folsom website at
