Having spent more than fifty years of my career in the transportation business and as a former Caltrans Director, I pay attention to the condition of our mobility systems.  There has been much discussion over recent months regarding Measure G, a local sales tax initiative which, if passed, will help shore up Folsom’s annual budget and allow for a more proactive approach to infrastructure maintenance.

In the 1990’s, the city was struggling to deal with increasing mobility demands resulting from an influx of residents, businesses and commuters as people began to recognize that Folsom was a great place to live, work and play.  New infrastructure was built during the next several years, most of which was paid for with developer fees, County transportation sales taxes and state and federal funding.

Due to public and private investment, the city developed a reputation for having one of the best transportation networks in the region:  smooth roadways, good sidewalks, and an outstanding trail system including over fifty miles of bicycle and pedestrian access. 

Sadly, over the ensuing years, our transportation system has aged and now needs repairs and renovation.  Unfortunately, the city has little or no funding to pay for these necessary improvements.  Much of the pavement for our once-vaunted trail system is cracked and broken.  Nor do we have funds to leverage state and federal dollars for needed capital projects on the Hwy 50 corridor.  

Opponents of Measure G say cutting spending is the answer, but when it comes to infrastructure, continuing investment is a necessity.  And, as the infrastructure continues to age, repair and renovation costs escalate. As someone who knows a thing or two about maintaining transportation systems, please join me in supporting Measure G on the November ballot.  Our continuing mobility depends on it. 

Will Kempton, Folsom Resident

The above commentary was authored by local resident Will Kempton and submitted to Folsom Times. The views and opinions expressed in community commentary submissions are that of the authors and do not reflect the views and opinions of Folsom Times, its management, staff, stakeholders or advertisers.

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