As president of the Folsom Lake Surf Soccer Club, I am writing in strong support of Measure G. This initiative will provide much-needed funding for the maintenance and upgrades of our city’s sports fields. Securing dedicated funds will ensure that children continue to have access to safe, outdoor sports opportunities without the uncertainty of political shifts.

Over 2,500 kids use these fields each week during the recreational soccer season, with another 750 kids playing year-round. These fields are vital to our community but are now in urgent need of repair to remain safe for soccer and other sports. Without the resources Measure G will provide, we will be unable to maintain these essential spaces.


Our club also hosts several annual tournaments, bringing in hundreds of teams and thousands of visitors who stay in our hotels, dine at local restaurants, and contribute to our economy. A portion of every dollar spent directly supports our community. However, without improvements, we risk losing our ability to host these events, which would be a blow to both local youth and the economy.

Passing Measure G is about more than upgrading sports facilities. It is about ensuring future generations can experience the benefits of youth sports, from physical health to community building. It is also about keeping Folsom a top destination for major tournaments, which have a positive economic impact on our city. I urge voters to support Measure G for the future of our fields, our children, and our local economy.


Jason JaredPresident, Folsom Lake Surf Soccer Club, business owner and law enforcement professional

The above commentary was authored by local resident Jason Jared and submitted to Folsom Times. The views and opinions expressed in community commentary submissions are that of the authors and do not reflect the views and opinions of Folsom Times, its management, staff, stakeholders or advertisers.


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