As a relative newcomer to the City of Folsom, I have often been asked “Why did you choose Folsom?” My answer has invariably been the terrestrial trails, picturesque parks, and strong sense of community. However, in just five short years, I have seen the amenities that I want my children to experience slowly turn into little more than memories. 

The trails we hike show signs of wear. The soccer fields have been taken over by invasive weeds and dangerous depressions. And as resources to maintain our greatest assets have dwindled, our community has begun to erode when we are faced with “this or that” budget priorities. 

I am writing to express my strong support for Measure G, the proposed 1% sales tax increase, which is crucial to the future of our beloved parks and trails in Folsom. This modest increase will ensure that our green spaces, which have served as gathering places for countless families, athletes, and nature lovers, can be restored and maintained to a standard that reflects the pride we take in our city.

Over the years, Folsom’s parks have seen a dramatic rise in usage, especially by soccer leagues and other sports organizations. While these activities bring vitality to the community, the constant wear and tear have left many parks in a state of disrepair. Instead of being an asset that enhances our city, some parks have become a liability due to a lack of adequate maintenance and restoration.

In the same way that I chose Folsom years ago, I am choosing to support Measure G now, because it represents the opportunity to choose to believe in the promise of Folsom and begin anew for the next generation of Folsomites. 

Please join me in voting “Yes” on Measure G.

Alayna Wagner, Folsom Resident

The above commentary was authored by local resident Alayna Wagner and submitted to Folsom Times. The views and opinions expressed in community commentary submissions are that of the authors and do not reflect the views and opinions of Folsom Times, its management, staff, stakeholders or advertisers.

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