A unique wedding took place at a retirement home in the city of Folsom over the weekend, but it wasn’t two residents getting hitched like one would first assume. Instead, it was a couple that chose the Creekside Oaks Retirement facility as their venue, so a very special relative did not miss out on their big day and be part of it.

Judy Bryant is currently 99-years young and has been a resident at Creekside Oaks for 15 years now. Her grandson, William Bryant of Auburn and his bride, April Rose of Citrus Heights, wanted Judy to be able to attend their special day. Knowing she would be unable to travel far from her care center in Folsom, the couple brought the wedding to grandma’s place. 


Grandma Judy wasn’t the only guest at the facility that knew the bride and groom. For the last 10-years, Rose has worked in the kitchen of Creekside Oaks. It was at the facility she met William initially, after grandma Judy reportedly had “set them up,” to meet, according to Becca Nelson, the spokesman for Creekside Oaks. Nelson shared that April and Judy have had a special connection for some time, and many assumed they were related. A few years and a wedding later, they now are. 

“The perception was that Judy was April’s grandmother, but that’s not actually the case,” explained Nelson. The decision to have the wedding came when the couple not only wanted Judy to be able to attend, but for so many that Rose has worked closely with in recent years and considers to be like family, to also be part of the special day.


Between family, friends and residents of the facility, approximately 50 guests attended the unique wedding in which grandma Judy joined the bride and groom in a photo that will be cherished for a lifetime. 

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William Bryant and April Rose held their wedding at Creekside Oaks Retirement facility over the weekend so the grandmother of the groom,Judy Bryant (second from left) could attend the special day. Photo: Creekside Oaks