As the sun set to the west of Eagles Stadium Friday night, several hundred graduation caps became silhouetted as they flew into the air as the senior class of Folsom’s Vista del Lago High School earned the official title of graduates of the class of 2023.

See the full Vista del Lago 2022 graduation here and more photos below.

It was the third graduation in two straight days for the Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD). Folsom High School certified its class on Thursday night. Cordova High School in Rancho Cordova sent its senior class into a new life chapter at the same time as Vista.


Vista del Lago presented a total of 425 students with diploma’s this year in a ceremony that went swift and smooth before a stadium that was packed with thousands on both sides while another audience consisting of extended and distant family members of more than 2,000 watched the ceremony via livestream broadcast that was the collaborative product of Folsom Times, Folsom TV and the FCUSD as each year, limited seating often restricts entire families from attending in person. 

Photography by Bill Sullivan

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As the final notes of Sir Edward Elger’s Pomp and Circumstance came to a close, the stadium erupted in cheers as the ceremony began with Student Body President Sophia Perez opened the event with a welcome to her fellow graduates and families.  After the National Anthem was performed by graduating music students who came together for one final performance, Vista del Lago Principal Kimberly Moore took to the podium to address the class. 

Moore referenced an article she stumbled upon earlier in the year that reminded her of important words everyone should live by. 


“This is something we have all heard time and time again: that our only job in this world is to leave it a better place than when we came into it,” said Moore. “This statement wasn’t new to me, but on this day that I read it, it resonated with me in a new and powerful way,” said Moore.


Imagine if we all made decision through this lens, ho would this impact of our own lives and those around us. Living with the intention of simply leaving the world a better place can help us build a better tomorrow for our families, friends and communities in the world.  Living with this purpose can also help us be kinder and gentler with ourselves, we don’t have to live with the pressure of trying to be the best at everything we do.  

So when you feel pressure mounting in your lives ahead, whether it is in college, a career, the military or wherever you go, remind yourselves that your only task is to leave this world a little better than when you. came into it. I know all you here tonight have made Vista better than it was when you came here.” 


Photography by Bill Sullivan

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Naysa Bhargava presented the first Valedictorian’s Address followed by a second by Ria Sreivastrava.

Between the two touching speeches, there was a break to rock out one last time as graduating music students took to the stage to fire up the electric guitars, drums, keyboard and impressive vocals as they performed “Were’d All the Time Go by Dr. Dog.”

Student Nyla Bruelli presented the Senior Class Address before Moore returned to the stage to present the class of 2023. 

The presentations shared a commonality of those across the district this year, reminding students that life is not all about popularity and who has the highest grade point average but about living life to its fullest each and every day as they remembered a fallen classmate. 

 Tony Ruiz and Kelly Hillesland presented the diplomas. Perez returned to the stage one last time to perform her final duty as class president, leading the last tassel ceremony which led to an eruption of the crowd as families flooded to the field to partake in the emotional celebration with the students. 

Photography by Bill Sullivan

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