Recently, Choose Folsom reconfirmed its commitment to Folsom’s bright future by adopting new economic development and tourism priorities. These recommendations, approved in June, are designed to enhance Folsom’s economic vitality by focusing on community enhancement, traffic mitigation, and major capital improvement projects.

The move, spearheaded by the Folsom Tourism and Economic Development Corporation (TEDCorp), part of the Choose Folsom brand, includes the following initiatives:

Community Enhancement and Economic Development

TEDCorp identified several key projects to boost economic development and tourism in Folsom. Implementing these citywide programs and projects would further solidify Folsom’s position as a terrific place to live, work, and play.

On the Economic Development side, projects include the Central Business District Revitalization, River District and Historic District Amenities, Corporation Yard Reuse, and City Surplus Property Utilization.

Tourism would emphasize the development of outdoor recreation facilities, indoor recreational facilities, a conference center, an entertainment venue, and ongoing efforts to attract events.

Traffic Mitigation

TEDCorp recommended alleviating congestion and improving safety in crucial business, recreational, and entertainment areas to support economic development and ensure a positive quality of life.

Short-term transportation solutions range from new intersections on East Bidwell at key junctions like Highway 50, Iron Point, and Blue Ravine to a new intersection in Historic Folsom at Riley and Leidesdorff. Long-term solutions include new interchanges at Empire Ranch Road and Highway 50 and Oak Avenue and Highway 50.

Major Capital Improvement Projects

TEDCorp also identified significant capital improvement projects that will enhance Folsom’s infrastructure and community amenities, including the Historic District Parking Structure, improved and expanded trails and connections, the Johnny Cash Trail Art Project, and a study of open space compatible uses.

These priorities and recommendations reflect TEDCorp’s commitment to fostering a vibrant, economically robust, connected community.

Choose Folsom encourages residents and businesses to support these initiatives, which promise to enhance Folsom’s quality of life and economic opportunities.

Joe Gagliardi is the CEO of Choose Folsom and the Folsom Chamber of Commerce. Folsom Times is a supporting Chairman’s Circle Partner with the Chamber of Commerce, Choose Folsom and Visit Folsom.