The John Adams Academy – El Dorado Hills Drama Department is proud to present Peter Pan, a musical based on the Play by Sir J.M. Barrie. This high-flying Tony Award-winning musical has been performed around the world and delighted audiences for 60 years, and now soars into the academy’s new performing arts space this April. […]
The John Adams Academy El Dorado Hills Drama Department is proud to present Peter Pan, a musical based on the Play by Sir J.M. Barrie. This high-flying Tony Award-winning musical has been performed around the world and delighted audiences for 60 years, and now soars into the academy's new performing arts space this April. Don't […]
The John Adams Academy – El Dorado Hills Drama Department is proud to present Peter Pan, a musical based on the Play by Sir J.M. Barrie. This high-flying Tony Award-winning musical has been performed around the world and delighted audiences for 60 years, and now soars into the academy’s new performing arts space this April. […]