At its regular meeting Tuesday night, the Folsom City Council unanimously approved a resolution that paves the way for the next phase of residential development in the city’s expansive Folsom Ranch project.

The action authorized City Manager Bryan Whitemyer to execute the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and accept offers of dedication for the Toll Brothers at Folsom Ranch Phase 2D Subdivision. The council’s vote also finalized the subdivision map, officially clearing the way for new housing construction to proceed.


Located on the north side of White Rock Road, south of Mangini Parkway and east of Oak Avenue Parkway, the Phase 2D subdivision will consist of 83 new residential lots. These will include both high-density single-family homes and multi-family low-density units. The project area lies within the broader Folsom Plan Area, which outlines specific zoning and land use policies for the city’s southeast growth.

In the staff report to council, the Community Development Department noted that all conditions of approval have been met for this phase and that the final design aligns with the zoning and density requirements set forth in the Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan (FPASP).


“This subdivision is consistent with the Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan in regards to zoning and unit count,” staff wrote. “The Final Map has been found to be in substantial compliance with the approved Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and all conditions pertaining to the map have been satisfied.”

City staff emphasized that the development will include necessary infrastructure improvements that will support future residents and ensure the neighborhood is connected to the broader community. These improvements include the installation of streets, sidewalks, drainage facilities, sewer and water infrastructure, utilities, landscaping, and lighting.


According to the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Toll West, Inc.—doing business as Toll Brothers West, Inc.—will be responsible for completing the improvements at their own expense. The total estimated cost of the required infrastructure is $337,660. As a safeguard, the developer is required to provide performance and labor bonds equal to the full amount to guarantee completion and payment of the work.


Work must be completed within 12 months of the agreement date, and the city has the authority to enforce construction timelines or perform repairs if the developer does not meet obligations. Warranty security is also required for one year following completion to address any defects or issues that may arise.

The council’s action also includes accepting offers of dedication from the developer, which ensures that select public rights-of-way, utility easements, and open space parcels will eventually transfer into city ownership. Meanwhile, private infrastructure such as interior roads, sidewalks, and common area landscaping will be owned and maintained by the community’s homeowners association.


The Phase 2D subdivision is one component of a larger Phase 2 development previously approved by the city in 2022. Other subphases—2A and 2B—have already received approval and been recorded with Sacramento County. Phase 2C is expected to be presented to council later in 2025, rounding out the buildout of this portion of Folsom Ranch.

From an environmental perspective, no new review was required for this item. Staff confirmed that an environmental addendum to the Folsom Plan Area Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report was previously adopted by the city in 2020. A recent environmental memorandum prepared for this phase confirmed that the subdivision would not result in any new or more severe impacts beyond what has already been studied.

“As a result, no new environmental document is required, consistent with State CEQA Guidelines,” the staff report explained.

With this approval, another 83 homes are set to be added to the city’s future housing inventory.

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