First responders with the Sacramento Metro Fire Department made an actual rescue of a unique nature this week during what was originally a training session on Folsom’s Lake Natoma. 

While out on the waters Tuesday, Sacramento Metro firefighters spotted a small fawn in the water. The fawn was attempting to cross the lake and appeared to be in distress as it was making the trek.  According to Metro Fire, the fawn was unable to consistently keep its nose about the surface of the water when it caught their eye. 


It wasn’t long before the boat crew sprang into action to help. Pulling their vessel within reach of the struggling fawn. Firefighters were then able to grasp the young animal and pull its head above the water so it could breath.

Thereafter, firefighters held on to the fawn and pulled it to safety. The fawn was brought to the shoreline it was destined for. Firefighters observed the animal for a bit as it rested on the shore and recovered from its adventure.

“Fortunately our crews were in the right place, just in time to make the difference,” the department posted on its social media platforms.


The wildlife rescue took place during Metro Fire’s boat refresher training session. The training takes place annually to keep firefighters well prepared for future water rescues across the regions. Folsom’s Lake Natoma is a frequent site of the training for Metro Fire as well as Folsom Fire Department.

Photos: Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District
