After first discussing it in January of this year, the Folsom Cordova School District continued discussions regarding the possibility of splitting the district ahead. 


On Thursday, a joint meeting was held amongst the FCUSD board, along with leadership and residents from the cities of both Folsom and Rancho Cordova.  In conclusion of last week’s meeting, the board is now considering a $72,000 feasibility study to look into all of the details and needs involved if the district were to move forward with a separation. 

Currently, the FCUSD consists of 34 schools all together.  Those existing schools would be divided into two smaller districts. One specifically for Folsom and the other for Rancho Cordova. 


This isn’t the first time splitting the district has been discussed, back in 2002 the idea was discussed, however, at the time, the district did not meet the criteria required to do so. At the time, the Sacramento County reorganization committee cited that racial or ethnic discrimination or segregation would be an issue  as well as financial and educational performances being of concern.

For a district to reorganize, there are key points of criteria that must be met prior to moving forward. Brianna Garcia, vice president of School Services of California detailed the criteria to the board back in January as follows.


The key elements of the criteria include that the district’s once they were to be split, must have an adequate number of pupils enrolled. Each district must have substantial community identity; there is to be an equitable division of properties and no possible racial or ethnic discrimination or segregation. There should not be any substantial increase in state cost or to school facilities costs that could be endured by either of the split districts. The districts to be must have sound education programs and performance and the purpose for splitting the district has to be for reasons beyond that of property values and be able to maintain fiscal management. 


Folsom Cordova School Board President David Reid spoke at Thursday’s meeting. While Reid doesn’t see and issue with the current district, he also sees it from the perspective of both sides.

“I truly don’t feel I necessarily have the right to tell folks in another city that they can’t control their own destiny,” said Reid. 


Student board member Ria Srivastava spoken at Thursday’s meeting, offering a student perspective of a proposed district organization. Srivastava praised the programs and educational resources that the district provides, but feels the district should move forward with the study 

“It’s starkly obvious that there is disparity of equality between Rancho and Folsom,” said Srivastava. “Whether it be facilities to staff support to even just the way the community perceives our schools, it is entirely clear that there is a lack in Rancho Cordova.”

Following last week’s meeting the proposed feasibility study hass been added to the agenda for the upcoming FCUSD board meeting scheduled for this Thursday, June 15. 

The open session of the board meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. at 1965 Birkmont Drive in Rancho Cordova. The public is welcome to attend in person or the meeting can be viewed online. The he link to the meeting will be provided no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting on the Districts website at:

The complete agenda can be viewed HERE.