The Folsom City Council will hold its final public meeting of the month on Tuesday. Among the items on the agenda will be the review an analysis of possibilities and impacts of providing a homeless services facility at the former railroad junction site near Bidwell Street and Folsom Boulevard.
According to the agenda materials for Tuesday’s meeting, “the Public Works Department requests that the City Council provide direction regarding the potential placement of a homeless services trailer on the Wye property.” The council will review an initial analysis of potential site impacts associated with locating a homeless services trailer on the city-owned Wye property and will be asked to provide future direction to city staff on the topic. The request for the analysis and agenda item came at the request of Folsom Mayor Mike Kozlowski
As described in Tuesday’s staff report, the Wye property is an approximately 3.1-acre site owned by the City of Folsom, located north of Bidwell Street between Oakdale Street and Forrest Street. The site was previously a railroad junction on the Sacramento-Placerville railroad corridor. Today, it still retains two railroad spurs and the former station master’s house and grounds, which is a designated historic structure.
Within the Wye property is a section that is undeveloped and has been used by the Public Works Department since 2010 as an auxiliary corporation yard site. Prior to 2010, the city had an auxiliary site on Sibley Street at Levy Road, but that property was developed into the Granite City Apartments, and operations were then moved to the Wye property.
Operations at the property today consist of equipment storage, mulch and sand stockpiles, and washout areas for concrete, street sweepers, and other city equipment as needed. The city also allows the Placerville Sacramento Valley Railroad (PSVRR) and the Folsom Chamber of Commerce to store equipment on the site.
The Mayor is looking to city staff to assess whether the site is a viable location for a homeless services facility, which is stated to be in the likely form of a modular building or trailer that would serve as an office for local non-profit organizations that provide assistance to homeless individuals.
According to the staff report, the Streets division of the Public Works Department operates out of a trailer approximately 2,400 square feet in size at the corporation yard. This trailer was used as the model for a possible trailer site at the Wye property. “The model trailer includes space for up to four offices, a restroom, and a large common area that could be used as a waiting area and/or storage. The trailer would also include an access ramp that is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),” the report states. In its analysis, staff identified two potential locations where such a trailer could be located on the Wye property and acknowledged it could be done but, “not without some impacts to the property’s existing operations.”
In its analysis, city staff provided two optional sites for a proposed position of a trailer, should the project move forward. The details of those sites are as follows, as stated in the report:
“Site one is located on the east side of the site, near the Bidwell Street entrance, as shown in attachment 1. Placing a trailer at this location would also require additional fencing and gates to secure the remainder of the site, and the city would have to relocate the existing concrete washout area. The PSVRR would need to relocate their storage shed, and the Chamber would need to find a new location for their storage containers.
Site two is located on the west side of the site, near the Oakdale Street entrance, also depicted in attachment 1. Placing a trailer at this location would require additional fencing and gates to secure the remainder of the site and would require the PSVRR to move their stored rail crossing equipment to another location. Staff would work with PSVRR to determine if any of the stored equipment is salvageable and would only seek to relocate equipment that was still of potential use; the remainder would be disposed of as scrap.”

The staff report noted that neither site has any ADA compliant sidewalk access, and parking would be limited to approximately three spaces. Both sites would also require a secure, locked gate to prevent access to the site when it is closed, as well as existing fencing along the site perimeter that would need to be enhanced with natural screening (shrubs) and/or privacy slats to make the site less visible.
This analysis currently does not include an assessment of the potential impacts on the surrounding community in terms of increased homeless activity. The report cites that community members have noted that similar facilities throughout the region see an increase in homeless camps and other activities related to those experiencing homelessness, particularly in light of the project’s proximity to light rail and the end of the Gold Line in the nearby Historic District.
In conclusion, the staff provided an estimate that the initial cost to set up a trailer on the property would be approximately $225,000; this would include establishing water and sewer connections, grading and paving, drainage, other utilities as well as trailer set-up. There would also be an ongoing monthly lease cost estimated at $2,200 per month for the trailer itself. The cost of ADA compliant pedestrian access is also not included and has not been estimated. There is currently no identified funding for this initial project startup.
“This analysis assumes that the tenant would bear ongoing staffing, maintenance, and operational costs and not the city. There is also no identified funding for any of these ongoing costs,” the report concludes.
Tuesday’s meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at Folsom City Hall located at 50 Natoma Street. The City of Folsom welcomes the public’s attendance at this meeting and all city council meetings. For those who cannot attend in person, they may view and participate in business from the floor through the city’s webcast. Instructions to do so can be found on the city’s website at The entire agenda can be viewed on the city website or below.
Folsom City Council Meeting Agenda March 26, 2024
- 1.A Presentation on the City of Folsom’s Procurement of Professional Services
Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item within the Folsom City Council’s subject matter jurisdiction. Public comments are generally limited to no more than three minutes. Except for certain specific exceptions, the City Council is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not appearing on the posted agenda.
Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be approved by one motion. Councilmembers may pull an item for discussion.
- 2.2023 General Plan (and Housing Element) Annual Progress Report
- 3.Appointment of At-Large Member to the Folsom Landscaping and Lighting District Advisory Committee to Represent the Los Cerros District
- 4.Resolution No. 11178 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Design and Consulting Services Contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the 2024 Local Roads Safety Plan
- 5.Resolution No. 11179 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Mozingo Construction, Inc. for the Construction of the Easton Valley Parkway Sewer Lift Station Miscellaneous Repairs Project and Appropriation of Funds
- 6.Resolution No. 11180 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Folsom Lake Ford for the Purchase of a F550 Cab and Chassis with Aftermarket Installation of a Utility Bed and Crane and Appropriation of Funds
- 7.Resolution No. 11181- A Resolution Authorizing the Installation of a Monument and Plaque at the Cohn-Fait Mansion at 305 Scott Street
- 8.Analysis of Potential Site Impacts Associated with Locating a Homeless Services Trailer on the Wye Property and Direction to Staff
ROLL CALL: Council / Boardmembers: Rohrbough, Aquino, Chalamcherla, Rodriguez,
- 9.Receive and File the City of Folsom, the Folsom Redevelopment Successor Agency, the Folsom Public Financing Authority, the Folsom Ranch Financing Authority, and the South of 50 Parking Authority Monthly Investment Reports for the Month of December 2023