Folsom Fire Department along with assistance from the Folsom Police Department responded to a small in size but very active vegetation fire on the 1200 block of Knopfler Circle area on Sunday evening.

The fire, which started just before 8:30 p.m. Sunday, grew to approximately 0.25 acres with a moderate rate of spread, firefighters reported as they arrived on scene. Upon arrival, Folsom firefighters found tmembers of the Folsom Police Department already on scene, aiding in managing the situation.


Given the fire’s proximity to nearby residential homes, firefighters acted quickly, securing a water supply and initiating a direct attack on the blaze.  According to the Folsom Fire Department, they were able to contain the fire to one acre, preventing any damage to nearby structures or property.

“An aggressive direct attack with hose lays kept the fire at one acre and resulted in no damage to nearby structures or property,”  Folsom Fire said in their social media post detailing the incident. Folsom units involved in the incident included Folsom’s Battalion Chief 15, engine 337, engine 38, engine 535, and engine 339. Firefighters closed the incident operation within 29 minutes of being on the scene.


In a statement shared on social media, Folsom Fire personnel expressed their gratitude to the Police Department for their response and assistance “Thank you to our partners at Folsom Fire for assisting us. Folsom Firefighters are proud to serve our community.”

As temperatures rise and conditions remain dry, the community is reminded that fire danger remains high. Residents are urged to stay vigilant, as dry fuels and hot weather continue to pose significant risks for wildfires.


At this time, Folsom Fire Department has not released the cause of the fire, stating it remains under investigation. Several residents reported that fireworks were lit near the fire at Kemp Park just prior to the incident.


© Folsom Times, All Town Media LLC.

Photos courtesy City of Folsom Fire.
