Fire season has quickly arrived in the region and the Folsom Fire Department is gearing up for another busy summer ahead. While pre-season trainings are routine and well underway, the department has increased its level of staffing as well with addition of several new faces to its family. 


A total of 19 new firefighters-paramedics were sworn in last week during a ceremony at the Folsom Community Center that was both a graduation ceremony for Folsom’s Academy 23-1, as well as a promotional ceremony where three longtime members of the department were promoted. The event welcomed the largest group of new staff members at one time in the history of the Folsom Fire Department. 

Folsom’s Assistant Chief Chad Wilson opened the ceremony. Wilson welcomed the many family members and local dignitaries that were in attendance prior to leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Folsom Mayor Rosario Rodriguez was the first city official to take the podium with remarks commending the department and welcoming the new members. Rodriguez was followed by Folsom City Manager Elaine Andersen prior to the leadership of Folsom Fire Department proceeded with the ceremony. 

Folsom Fire Captain Brian Beck delivered the Academy Instructor message followed by Aaron Jarone who represented Fire Recruit Lateral Response and Austin Cia who spoke on behalf of Fire Recruit Entry-Level Response and Mark Piacentini, Training Chief. 


Cusano explained that all of the graduates are now Folsom Fire Department employees. The additions are filling past vacancies along with upcoming retirement and will also provide staffing for the new Station 34 that will be completed by the spring of 2024 in Folsom Ranch. 


“This group of new hires represents the largest graduating class in the history of the Folsom Fire Department,” said Cusano.

Out of the 19 firefighter-paramedics sworn in, 6 of them come with experience as Academy 31-21 lateral additions. They include Matt Brooksher, Joshua Christian, Aaron Jarone, Tim MacIsaac, Kyle Post and Scott Vasquez. 


Entry level graduates joining the department include the following: Dave Adams, Agustine Alcanter, Adam Alessi, Garrett Brownlee, Austin Cia, Jared Gambeski, Michael Johnson, Mathew Land, Justin Lopez, Judzon Mamauag, Thomas Pazo, Alberto Torres and Ryan Williamson. 

“You have all worked extremely hard to get to this stage today.  The Folsom Fire Department and the City of Folsom are proud of your selfless commitment to a noble and honored profession of public service,” said Cusano, as he addressed the new recruits as they were sworn in by City of Folsom’s Christa Freemantle. 

“You have chosen to do this out of a desire to help others in their most vulnerable moments.  There simply is no higher calling, added Cusano.  “Please, remember this day and what it means to you to wear this uniform.

In addition to the new staffers, three members of Folsom Fire were promoted at the ceremony. Chris Thompson was promoted to Captain. Robert Byrne and Ryan Albers were both promoted to Fire Engineer ranks. 

“It is a privilege for me to say, outstanding job, you not only deserve it, but you have proven that you earned it.  You have worked hard and dedicated a lot of time to obtain this promotion, be proud of yourself.  Continue your journey through the ranks and make our department even better,” said Cusano as the badge pinning ceremony took place.