Progress is visible high in the sky now at Folsom Lake College these days as construction of the expansive science building is well underway on the campus located at 10 College Parkway, where motorists traveling east Bidwell can’t help but notice the mountain of earth being moved by heavy equipment and stock pile of steel beams being staged.
Upon completion, the 75,000-gross-square-foot instructional building will be the largest science facility within the Los Rios Community College District and will house six biology labs, six chemistry labs and a 4,000-square-foot science center.
“To have this 75,000 square foot science building is going to be one of the cornerstone pieces that is going to complete our overall college and it’s been part of a master plan for many, many years, said Folsom Lake College President Art Pimental.”The wonderful thing is that we will be having six biology labs and six chemistry labs all as part of this facility so that we can serve every single student from our region that wants to get a degree in the sciences right here in their background, right here at Folsom.”
According to data provided by Folsom Lake College, careers in the science, technology, engineering and math fields are in high demand in today’s times. The increased physical space will allow Folsom Lake College to significantly expand its science programs to support the needs of its growing student body who are seeking degrees and certificates in such fields. For some time now, the lack of campus resources has created a backlog and waiting list for many classes of such nature.
The state-of-the-art building will also be representative of the college’s continued commitment to smart and sustainable construction as it is on track to obtain a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification from the United States Green Building Council, will feature eight electrical vehicle charging stations and will also minimize gas loads to reduce the production of greenhouse gases.
The estimated construction cost of $64.9 million. The project is funded by local bond Measure M, which voters approved back in 2008 to support the construction of new facilities and the modernization of existing facilities within the Los Rios Community College District, along with additional funding from the state of California. The building was designed by HMC Architects and Otto Construction is serving as the lead contractor. Both businesses have been serving the Sacramento region for more than 75 years.
The instructional building is projected to be fully completed by May of 2025, with classes projected to be offered in the new building for 2025 fall semester thereafter, according to the latest updates from Folsom Lake College.
Today, Folsom Lake college serves approximately 9,000 students combined at the main Folsom campus, the El Dorado Center in Placerville, the Rancho Cordova Center and online. The local community college offers educational opportunities and support for students to transfer to four-year institutions, to improve foundational skills, to achieve career goals and to earn associate degrees or certificates. For more information go to
TOP PHOTO: The beams are rising into place at the site of Folsom Lake College’s science building construction site. Photo by Bill Sullivan.
BELOW: Renderings show what the new facility will look like once complete in May of 2025.