Two children who had the bikes they received for Christmas stolen last week are enjoying shiny new rides thanks to the efforts of a Folsom Police Officer going above and beyond the call of duty. 


Last week, Folsom Police Officer Jerry Bath responded to a report of two bicycles that were stolen.  

When he was taking the report for the theft, Officer Bath learned the family did not have the serial numbers for the bicycles,  as they were Christmas gifts and they hadn’t thought too much about the serial numbers at the time. 


Knowing that without the serial numbers, it would be nearly impossible to reunite the bikes with children, Officer Bath took it upon himself to find a way to replace the bikes for  the children. 

Bath  joined the Folsom Police Department in March to serve the community he grew up in before he sought a law enforcement career.  Bath turned to that community and managed to get two brand new bicycles donated to replace those that were stolen. 


The act of kindness not only showed the heartbroken children how generous they community can be, it also provided the opportunity to for the department to remind resident to take a few extra steps to prevent a bike their from striking. 


“Bike theft is actually one of the most commonly reported crimes in our community,” said the Police Department in a social media post. “Protect your bike by locking it with a U-lock through the wheel and frame and attaching it to a bike rack.”

The department also reminded residents to always make note of the serial numbers of their bicycles, and take a photo of you with your bike and if possible and keep the purchase receipt. The extra steps can help police locate a stolen bike and can also assist if the theft involves a claim with the victim’s homeowners insurance. 
