Just as school opens across the city later this week, the Folsom Police Department will conduct what it is calling a pedestrian safety enforcement operation this coming Tuesday, August 6 at various locations throughout the city of Folsom.

During these pedestrian safety enforcement operations, officers will be looking for violations made by drivers and pedestrians that are illegal and dangerous, according to a presss release from the Folsom Policd Departement notifying the community of the planned event. 

According to the announcement,  attention will be directed toward drivers failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, speeding, making illegal turns, not stopping for signs and signals or any other traffic violations. Officers will also stop pedestrians who cross the street illegally, fail to yield to drivers who have the right of way, or who are distracted while walking.

“With school starting in neighborhoods around the City this week, it is imperative that both pedestrians and drivers follow the rules of the road to make sure they get to their destinations safely,” said Folsom Police Police Sergeant Tim Galovich.

Pedestrians should only cross the street using crosswalks or intersections, preferably with a stop sign or signal. Pedestrians should also be looking for cars backing up and avoid darting between parked cars, make eye contact with drivers and wear bright clothing during the day and reflective materials or use a flashlight at night.

Drivers should wait for pedestrians to cross the street. Drivers should slow down or prepare to stop when crossing an intersection where there is foot traffic. Drivers should stop at the crosswalk line to allow other drivers to see and yield to pedestrians.

Parents are also reminded to talk to their children about the rules of the road and safe practices for biking and walking to school.