Folsom Police Sgt. Mike Gruneberg named Officer of of the Year, Captain Elizabeth Platt named Teacher of the Year
by S. Moncalieri, Folsom VFW Post 6604
A local teacher and a Folsom police officer were recently honored by Folsom Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6604 for their outstanding service and dedication to the community.
Post 6604 Commander Robert M. Lee Jr. presided over the ceremony, awarding the 2025 Post Teacher of the Year to California Cadet Corps (CACC) Captain Elizabeth Platt of Clarksville Charter School, which serves Clarksville, Feather River, and Lakeview Charter Schools. The Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award was presented to Folsom Police Department Neighborhood Services Division Supervisor Sgt. Mike Grueneberg.
Capt. Platt, a U.S. Army and California National Guard veteran, serves as the military science teacher and 434th Battalion Commandant of Cadets at Clarksville Charter. She works diligently to develop cadets in customs and courtesies, helping them become better citizens of character dedicated to serving their community and nation. In 2001, she earned her bachelor’s degree in government from California State University, Sacramento, later working for the California Department of Education. Platt also earned a master’s degree in teaching with multiple subject matter credentials, adding to her extensive résumé.
In 2021, she established the school’s 434th CACC Battalion and, in a short time, mentored her ninth-grade cadets (the BEAST team) to a first-place win at the Xtreme Team Challenge, held at Porterville Military Academy in October 2023. The students were tested at different stations for their physical, academic, and skill-based abilities. Platt has a passion for mentoring cadets in proper flag etiquette and believes participation in this detail supports their citizenship development. Her cadets perform numerous hours of community service each year, demonstrating the values of their youth organization. Platt was recently appointed as the CACC Northern California Brigade Advisor for the 6th Brigade.
Sgt. Grueneberg has more than two decades of experience with the Folsom Police Department and is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, having served on active duty and as a reservist. He was selected based on several factors, including remarkable performance in the line of duty, bravery, and his commitment to developing future leaders. He supervises others in the city’s Problem-Oriented Policing program and plays a key role in maintaining community safety.
Previously a K-9 handler, Grueneberg is the department’s use-of-force expert and instructor, ensuring a high standard of operational readiness through his field expertise. His mentorship continues to shape the department. Since 2007, he has received numerous accolades, including six commendations, two department bronze stars, and multiple unit citations, making him a standout officer in both Folsom and Northern California.
Grueneberg was also selected as the VFW California District 17 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. His department is currently awaiting a decision on whether he will be named the California State Department VFW Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
In attendance at the ceremony were veteran members, Folsom Police Lt. Louis Wright and several line officers, along with Shannon Breckenridge and Claire Walker representing the Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance School system.

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