Assemblyman Josh Hoover announced that he has been named an Honorary Co-chair for the Yes on Proposition 36 campaign, according to a press release from the Folsom resident and Aasemnlyman’s office Wednesday. 

“In the Assembly, Josh has been a champion for policies that prioritize crime prevention, reduce homelessness, and hold fentanyl dealers accountable,” cites the announcement. “His collaborative work with law enforcement and crime victim groups has earned him the support of California’s top public safety organizations.”

“Prop. 36 is the most important initiative on the November ballot, and I’m honored to be named an Honorary Co-Chair for the campaign,” said Assemblyman Josh Hoover. “There is bipartisan consensus that Prop. 36 will make our communities safer. It’s no wonder over 70% of Californians support this critical initiative to stop rampant retail theft, hold fentanyl dealers accountable, and prioritize drug and mental health treatment.”

This year, voters have the opportunity to make their voices heard on Proposition 36, which seeks to reform the disastrous policies set in motion by Prop. 47 a decade ago. A “yes” vote would increase penalties for repeat theft offenders, provide new tools to law enforcement to protect our communities from fentanyl dealers, and offer people the help they need to address serious mental health or substance abuse issues.

Local law enforcement leaders also added their support to Hoover’s announcement:

Former Sacramento County Sheriff John McGinness:

“The state of public safety in our region is proof that elections have consequences. We now have the chance to reform Proposition 47 and restore sanity in our criminal justice system, and Assemblyman Josh Hoover is leading that fight. Josh is the only true friend to public safety running in the 7th Assembly District, and it is critical that voters re-elect him in 2024. His opponent, Porsche Middleton, has a record of defunding the police, and her policies would only make our community less safe.”

Sergeant Nathan Seger, President of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff’s Association:

“Assemblyman Josh Hoover has worked side by side with law enforcement since his days as a School Board Member. He has always made public safety a priority and is committed to supporting policies that make our communities safer. Now, he is taking a leadership role in getting Prop. 36 across the finish line. His stellar record on public safety is why he has earned the support of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association and every major law enforcement organization in the state.”

Hoover was elected to the State Assembly in 2022 to represent the voters of California’s 7th Assembly District in one of the most competitive elections in the state, encompassing the northeastern part of Sacramento County.

For more information about Assemblyman Josh Hoover and his campaign, visit