Adopt-a-Trail Coordinator & Friends of Folsom Parkways Board Member, receives Champion of the Community Award 

Kaye Hermanson, Adopt-a-Trail Coordinator and Friends of Folsom Parkways Board Member, received a Champion of the Community Award from the Folsom Parks and Recreation Commission. Since early 2024, Friends of Folsom Parkways has been managing the Adopt-a-Trail program on behalf of the City of Folsom, with Kaye leading the program. 

During the March Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, Senior Trails Planner, Brett Bollinger, Parks Maintenance Manager, Chris O’Keefe, Parks & Recreation Director, Kelly Gonzalez, and Parks & Recreation Commission Chair, Matt Hedges, presented Kaye with the award in recognition of her “outstanding dedication, selfless service, and unwavering commitment to the City of Folsom.” From her excellent communication with trail adopters and City staff to her incredible attention to detail, Kaye is the epitome of a true community champion. 

“Kaye is extremely deserving of this award. Her passion for the Adopt-a-Trail program and our community is evident. We’re so proud of her and grateful for the work she’s done to help revive this much-needed program. Volunteers like Kaye are the backbone of nonprofits like ours, and our community needs more people like Kaye to make a difference,” said Bruce Cline, President of Friends of Folsom Parkways.

Kaye has worked tirelessly to recruit and onboard more volunteers and sponsors to help maintain the City’s nearly 60 miles of trails. Thanks to her team’s efforts, over 30 trail segments have been adopted. 

“It was so thoughtful of the City to do this, and I really appreciate the Friends of Folsom Parkways support,” said Hermanson. “The City really did the heavy lift on setting up the Adopt-a-Trail program, website, and trails map, but I am happy to have been able to get the Adopt-a-Trail program headed in the right direction. More good things ahead! Thank you to the Youth Directors for their new and ongoing efforts to recruit sponsors. And thanks to Sally Kalaghan for her monthly assistance with communicating to the adopters about volunteer hours. It’s a great collaboration.”

There are just two remaining trail segments available for adoption (Segment #5 along Folsom-Auburn Blvd. and Segment #9 along Folsom Lake Crossing Rd.), with more trail segments to adopt coming soon. Volunteers keep Folsom’s trails looking good by committing to cleaning and maintaining their segments for one year. In addition, local area businesses can help support the program through one-year or five-year sponsorships where funds are used for the continued maintenance of the trail sections. Learn more about the Adopt-a-Trail program or email to get involved