Countless packs of Girl Scouts are on the move as cases of the traditional treats are arriving to fulfill the many orders, they have placed in recent weeks across the nations. Locally, a hearty supply of cookies has made its way to Folsom, thanks to the help of one Folsom business owner. 

Megan Demmel, owner of Perfect Dress Party in Folsom was on the job Saturday. Demmel wasn’t performing her usual talents of selling dresses or men’s clothing. 


Instead, Demmel was busy helping a group of local girl scout troops from Troop#3916, known regionally as the “Girl Scouts Heart of California,” transporting nearly 100 cases of cookies from River Cat’s Stadium in Sacramento, up to Folsom aboard her well known pink and black Perfect Dress Party trailer.

The act of kindness was much appreciated by many fellow parents with children in the troop as it saved them the task of waiting in long lines individually in Sacramento as well as a long drive with gas prices as high as they are


“I love using my trailer for good deeds, so I volunteered it to help the troop,” said Demmel.

Once arrived in Folsom, Demmel joined with Troop Leader Alina Mansfield and parents to help prepare the many orders for individual delivery to the community. Get ready Folsom, your Girl Scout Cookies are on the way!


Founded by Demmel three years ago, Perfect Dress Party is the first mobile bridal and special occasion boutique that brings the party to you. 


The business specializes in providing professional personal shopping for its clients, creating a one-of-a-kind special experience around fashion and bring it to bring it to clients and their closest friends and family in the comfort of their own favorite space.  You can learn more about the business at