Hands4Hope – Youth Making A Difference was named “California Senate District Four 2023 Nonprofit of the Year” by Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil, identifying it as one of 113 nonprofits that were honored by their state senators and assemblymembers for their outstanding contributions to the communities they serve.


Now in its eighth year, the Nonprofit of the Year initiative provides the opportunity for each California state legislator to choose a nonprofit organization doing outstanding work in their district. The program culminates with a celebratory luncheon at Capitol on California Nonprofits Day, which this year was June 7.

“As an Educator with a passion for programs that inspire and empower youth to community service and leadership, I was incredibly impressed with your programs and the youth leaders,” said Senator Alvarado-Gil. “There are so many incredible nonprofits across our district and I believe that Hands4Hope represents the best of the best.”


California’s Senate District Four represents all or some of 13 counties from Truckee to Death Valley, including all of El Dorado County.

“We are so grateful to have Senator Alvarado-Gil select Hands4Hope – Youth Making A Difference for this honor,” said Jennifer Bassett, Founder and Executive Director. “She understands that by investing in the youth of today, we are creating a future of civic minded and socially responsible citizens. This vision is what drives Hands4Hope.”


Hands4Hope – Youth Making A Difference is a non-profit, youth-driven organization with the mission to inspire and empower youth in leadership and service. Hands4Hope offers hands-on education and community engagement opportunities to youth from K-12th grades through school-based and after-school programs in Sacramento and El Dorado Counties.


Hands4Hope is now recruiting adult Board Member candidates. For more information about Hands4Hope – Youth Making A Difference, visit www.hands4hopeyouth.org or call 916-294-7426.