Can we re-cap the wonderful year of 2023 in the Historic District of Folsom? Wowee! 2023 was a year of success for the Historic District. There were so many good things about the year, it’s hard to know what to be most proud of.

The Ice Skating was a great success for the 2023-2024 season. We were so glad to see it back in it’s “rightful” place around the turntable. The rink was not without a few technical issues, but the staff and support people were terrific, and made things happen even when it seems like the path was dark and difficult. Immense gratitude to all who stayed with the challenging moments, and thanks to all who enjoyed the ice and skated, skated, skated. The rink has never seen more joy! 


It is a pleasure to say that the businesses of the Historic District are thriving.  It is a vibrant place to locate a business, and we are grateful when people make choices about bringing their time, energy, and great hopes into our District. The energy benefits everyone! Welcome to Gaslight’s Backroom, The Rancher Hat Bar, Riley’s on Sutter, and The General Store. If you haven’t visited these businesses, then you have some new spots to check out. If you have, hope you enjoyed yourself, and you let the proprietors know how friendly the Historic District is…

It is also interesting to see existing businesses move within the Historic District. Most often, moving is a sign that the business has grown and they are in need of more space, a space that has more visibility, or a space that will help the business grow in a new and creative direction. All of those are good things, so we’re happy when an existing business takes over a new space. Businesses that moved in the last year….Not Too Shabby, Wolfhome, Stone and Birch, and Little Society.  


Also taking over new space, (but not moving)…it’s worth mentioning that Snooks is growing. They will still be located on the corner of Sutter and Wool, but they will be taking over the space next to them and expanding their retail space x2! Imagine that much more delicious chocolate! 

I would be remiss if I didn’t send a shout out to all the businesses who have been in the HD for many years and have become foundations within our historic district community. Having a solid backbone, with reliable, consistent, trustworthy businesses (and business owners), is key to a thriving business district. So thanks to all business owners for putting in the time and energy! Keep up the good work!  


In addition to the solid businesses we have in the District, we have a wonderful long list of solid events that keep visitors and guests coming into to the District-which is so vital to the “thrive” portion of above subject. So many wonderful events are just around the corner…Galentine’s Passport Night, EggCellent Celebration, The Arts and Crafts Fair…these are just a few….there are many, many more. The 2024 event calendar is coming together, with many favorite events on the calendar again, as well as a few new ones…keep your eyes on the website!


Herb Caen/One-line notes: 

Mike Kozlowski (our District 1 City Councilman) has been elected the new mayor, Sarah Aquino is now vice-mayor….Ms. Tings Shanghai Tattoo purchased the building behind Snooks and will open a new tattoo and art studio there this year…the new Sutter St. Theatre production is Dial M for Murder…there is a new sign in the window at Uncle Charlie’s Firehouse and Brew (UCFB) that says coming 2024….support the train-they need your help-tell your friends…light rail expansion will be happening until the end of summer, continuing the commotion on Folsom Blvd…the shuttle is succeeding-download the ride share app and hail a ride on Friday and Saturday nights….


Welcome to 2024! More good news to come! 

Karen Holmes is at the Immediate Past President on the Board of Directors for the Folsom Historic District and a partnering contributor with Folsom Times and All Town Media LLC. Copyright All Town Media LLC. Folsom Times 2023