When it comes to history, we have a great deal of here in Folsom. While the history books have documented the significant moments in time, there is a there is a hoopla of unique “happenings” that took place throughout the decades that you may not find in those ordinary text books but rather in local periodicals, journals and more.
If you look back through the years, you may be amazed of what was considered “headline news” back in the day. Folsom Times continues to partner with the staff of Folsom History to bring our community a backwards glance of yesteryear here in the community thanks to the work of Shelby Sorensen and Jovia Low.
These two local history talents have spent time digging into the past to bring you History Headlines, an ongoing collection of some of the memorable moments that were the “talk of the town,” back in the day and found in news articles, journals and more. Here’s a look back at some unique moments that took place in January through the years.
January 3, 1979: The Folsom Planning Commission will hold its first meeting of 1979 next Monday, Jan. 8, with two major items on the agenda certain to affect the city’s future – the proposed expansion of Twin Lakes Community Hospital, and major realignment of zoning ordinances to comply with the General Plan.
January 7, 1882: New patent gates, invented by a Sacramento resident, are in place at the entrances of the Folsom Prison and “work very satisfactorily.” They are opened by pulling a rope at the end of a lever.
January 8, 1943: Folsom Firemen install new officers. Following the meeting, the firemen enjoyed beans and coffee at John’s Hideout.
January 9, 1920: A “mysterious death” occurs at Negro Hill; Antone Burchtoldt, a wood chopper, was found dead. Some suspect poisoning.
January 10, 1913: The Board of Folsom Fire Commissioners reports for the information of taxpayers.
January 10, 1913: “Dredges Produce Big Per Cent of Gold.” The largest proportion of the gold yield from dredges come extensively from near Oroville, Marysville and Folsom.
January 10, 1913: Hon. P. C. Cohn of Folsom took his seat Monday in the state senate at Sacramento as a senator from Sacramento county. This is the first time that a Folsom man has been seated in the legislature.
January 10, 1913: Great preparation is being made in Sacramento for the California Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Association meeting.
January 10, 1913: The supervisors are advertising an ordinance granting to the Southern Pacific Company the right, privilege, and franchise for fifty years to construct, maintain, and operate a spur track in Folsom.
January 10, 1913: Natomas Consolidated of California is making preparations for the establishment of a nursery near Folsom.
January 12, 1917: The supervisors on Tuesday voted to appropriate $2000 per year for a period of three years to pay the expenses of a farm adviser in this county. The action was taken at the request of the Farm Bureau, recently organized in the county.
January 13, 1928: Another California pioneer passes away. George Vrooman, a native of Ohio, lived to be almost 100 years. He had followed mining practically all his life and could tell many interesting stories about “the days of gold.”
January 17, 1903: The “Gray-Wing mine litigation,” or a suit filed by “Mr. Cameron” against a mining company regarding a lease of mining grounds near Folsom, ends with the plaintiff losing. The news praises this decision: “Had the decision been otherwise than adverse to Mr. Cameron, people who invest jointly in opening mines or mining ground might have been at the mercy of anybody who started in with them and failed to pay his share.”
January 17, 1963: Folsom City Council protests loss of Greyhound Bus Terminal. The lack of the terminal created a “particular hardship with local business firms.” The city administrator was instructed to write a “strong” letter to PUC.
January 17, 1963: The Folsom chamber of commerce gives approval to Folsom Tourist center.
January 19, 1913: Christinana Stevenson, a “pioneer woman” died at Mormon Island. She came to California in 1853. Her husband died two decades prior, but she refused to leave her home and spent the final years of her life alone.
January 24, 1913: A petition is being circulated asking the trustees of Granite school district to call an election to vote upon a proposition of issuing bonds to the amount of $12,000 to raise funds for the purpose of erecting a new school building. The present building is in very bad condition and needs extensive repairs.
January 26, 1951: The damage to a four bedroom house was estimated to be $7,700 after a fire burned down the home.
January 26, 1951: Aerojet gets building permits for administrative and warehouse buildings for $1,500,000.
January 27, 1900: A Mask Ball is announced to take place next month in the Folsom Opera House. “No pains will be spared to make it a complete success.”
January 31, 1936: A change in Folsom High School’s faculty is announced; Mrs. Halstead Souther Goldsmith, who had been a member at FHS for 2.5 years, resigned from her position.