Preparations are already well underway for the upcoming community food drive that will take place as part of the 11th annual Folsom Community Service Day next month.  

On Sept. 21, Folsom’s largest day of volunteerism returns, mobilizing residents of all ages to complete projects throughout the city that make a positive, lasting impact. Community Service Day is organized by the city of Folsom, local businesses and community organizations. 

One of the largest components of this upcoming big day in the city is the community-wide food drive that is part of the big day, but requires a great deal of preparation beforehand. That preparation is well underway. 

Last year alone, some 28-tons of pounds of non-perishable foods were donated by community members to benefit Twin Lakes Food Bank. While it seems like a great amount, it surprisingly goes out the foodbank’s doors as fast as it comes in with the continued increase in demand for assistance when it comes to staple foods.

While Community Service Day is just one month away, the food drive is top of mind for everyone involved.  Tuesday evening, “staples” of a different type were put into motion for the drive, to prepare for the upcoming campaign. 

Video: Watch hundreds of volunteers prep some 30,000 food collection bags for Community Service Day 2024

Several hundred volunteers came together at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Folsom Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Their task, to staple food drive instructions to thousands of bags. Those bags will then be distributed to doorsteps throughout the community in the weeks ahead, so residents can plan to fill them well to be picked up on Sept. 21. 

The inside of the church looked like a busy factory both nights. Tables were lined up in multiple rows with volunteers of all ages on each side, working a speedy and efficient production line to tackle the big task. 

“We staple fliers to 30,000+ bags in preparation for the food drive,” said Mark Bahouth of the LDS Church. “We are able to do this in about two hours over two nights.”

Soon, many of the volunteers will be canvassing the community, working to get the prepared bags to every single-family home as well as some multi-family complexes in the city.

Then, on Sept. 21, the convoy of volunteers will begin picking up the filled bags of food from the front doorsteps of every home who puts one out in the morning. From there, the bags are transported to another large assembly of volunteers outside of the Twin Lakes Food Bank that sorts the product for proper storage.

While many volunteers are already getting to work, registration for this community service day is  now open with many areas of need. Learn more and register to volunteer at Folsom Times photos and video by Bill Sullivan.