Ashlie Bryant is the co-founder and CEO of 3Strands Global Foundation in El Dorado Hills

Ashlie Bryant, co-founder and CEO of 3Strands Global Foundation, a nonprofit with a mission to mobilize communities to combat human trafficking through prevention education and reintegration programs, will testify today in support of California Assembly Bill 1394. The bill was authored by Assembly Member Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) and addresses the soaring rates of child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking online.


“With more than 55% of sex trafficking victims being recruited online over the past decade, it’s important to hold the social media platforms accountable for the role they play in facilitating these activities,” stated Ashlie Bryant, who lives in El Dorado Hills. “With technology playing an ever-increasing role in making our daily lives easier, more enjoyable and more connected, there is no denying that this comes with a downside. The proliferation of online social platforms has given rise to new pathways for human traffickers to exploit individuals. Social media companies are aware of the child exploitation, sexual abuse and trafficking that is taking place on their platforms but have not taken sufficient action to stop these activities.”

This bill is one of several in California and nationwide that 3Strands Global Foundation has supported in their quest to create a world free from human trafficking. Last month, 3SGF celebrated Senate Bill 14, which the organization sponsored, getting through the public safety committee and is headed to the next committee. SB 14 will add human trafficking of a minor to the list of felony crimes defined as serious, which now makes it a strike offense under California’s Three Strikes law. 3SGF also co-sponsored AB 1227, the Human Trafficking Prevention Education and Training Act which was signed into law in 2017 and mandated the implementation of prevention education in all California Schools.


On the national level, 3SGF endorsed The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2022 which was passed by the US Senate and established and reauthorized critical programs to prevent human trafficking, promote justice for survivors, provide services to victims and increase federal coordination to enhance the federal government’s response to the crisis of exploitation.

Human trafficking is one of the world’s fastest growing and most lucrative crimes, generating around $150 billion worldwide each year. An estimated 40 million people have been forced into human trafficking in the past decade.


“The legislative work we’ve done over the past 13 years is focused on elevating survivors’ voices and prevention efforts. We will always support legislation that provides support services to survivors, holds traffickers accountable, and eliminates any gateways or conduits to trafficking activities,” Bryant added.


Bryant recently testified to the Assembly Judiciary Committee to support the passing of AB 1394. For more information visit the 3Strands Global website at