Good riddance summer, hello fall! I’m a bit relieved that summer is over. There’s so much outdoor stuff to do in the summer-that’s the benefit of the season. The drawback is the heat…and whew…we had our fair share this summer. But it’s winding down, and the fall leaves are changing. We’re so lucky to live in such a temperate climate, where the fall lasts such a long time and is just a cooler extension of summer. I love this time of year. Still lots to do outside, and we can do it just about any time of day, no worries about it being too hot in the afternoon. 

With the fall season, there is a renewed energy, and that always shows up in the historic district calendar….lots, and lots, and lots to do in the next month! 

A very exciting, very special thing is happening in the Historic District this fall…a thing that will make a significant difference in the happiness of our FHDA staff (which is very important). For the last several years, our FHDA staff has been in search of an office space that they could permanently call home. The City of Folsom has offered to rent part of the old Depot building to the FHDA, and we’ve been hard at work on some renovations that will a) make the space comfortable (read=insulation + air conditioning), b) create a functional workspace for our busy staff AND c) serve as a Green Room for the amphitheater. The improvements are coming right along and should be done before the start of the Ice-Skating season. 

The staff is excited about this move, and look forward to a work home that they can grow roots in. However, this renovation doesn’t happen without cost. FHDA had a fundraiser some time back and raised about half of what the renovation will ultimately cost. To fund the second half, there will be a fundraising concert in the amphitheater on October 4th. Garratt Wilkin and the Parrot Heads (a Jimmy Buffett tribute band) will be performing a concert that will benefit FHDA (going toward Depot renovations) and The Rotary Club of Historic Folsom. The cost of the event is $25 and will benefit both organizations. Go to for info on tickets. It’s sure to be a sell-out, so don’t hesitate to buy your tickets early. Your support is appreciated!  

In other Historic District News……

The last of the FHDA sponsored Twilight Concert series (the traditional Thursday night series) will be held on FRIDAY, Sept 20. This concert is a rescheduled event from a too-hot-to-play-music date back in August, and will feature the Ariel Jean Band. Please note, this concert is on a FRIDAY…same format, same venue, same great time. 

There will be a few more concerts in the Zittel Amphitheatre, but these are presented by the Folsom Rotary Foundation. These are also Thursday night concerts, so the routine will keep going through September…..

Thursday night, September 19th, will be Ladies Passport Night. Come into the district early, make a shopping night out of it, and then end with an afterparty at Folsom Hotel! What a great night! 

Pawtoberfest happens on September 29. This was such a popular event last year, and brought lots of proud dog owners to the plaza and amphitheater for pictures with their pooches, costume contests, uniformed canine officers, prizes, and raffles! 

It is time for the 6th Annual Soap Box Derby!! Once again, we are bringing the All American Soap Box Derby (an officially sanctioned event), to the Historic District on October 5th and 6th.  It’s a fantastic, fun, family event! Last year we had 30 racers from six different states! It looks like we’ll be sporting the same kind of momentum this year as well. The racers are kids from 7-17, and beginners are welcome, so if you know someone who would be interested in this kind of event, please let us know. Also, it’s an amazing event to watch…there is a serious amount of strategy and engineering in this seemingly simple event. The event closes the 800+900 block of Sutter Street, and racing runs down Sutter, from Wool to Reading. Racing starts at 10 a.m. and runs to about 4:00 p.m. Come anytime to watch, cheer, and stroll the District. Bring your cowbells!!! Also, if you don’t have children, but would like to watch from an involved spot, we are looking for a few more volunteers to help make this event happen. Volunteers can work just a few hours, or all day. Just Saturday, just Sunday, or both days. Give us a jingle and we’ll help organize a spot for you to help make this fun event happen. Info for racers, or volunteer help, can be found by calling me, Karen Holmes, at 916-208-2253 or Mike McKernan at 916-494-9892.

Last, but not least, is Spirits, Brews, and Bites on October 19th. If you’re not familiar with Spirits Brews and Bites, it’s like trick or treating for adults! There are over 20 stops in the Historic District, with Beer or Spirits to sip and Bites to munch. You’ll go into businesses that you’ve never been in before, sip beer or spirits you’ve never tasted before. Costumes are encouraged! It’s a ticketed event, so be sure to get your tickets early as they always sell out. 

For info on all events in the Historic District, go to 

Whew! So much to do in the Historic District…what a lucky place to have right here in our own community! 

Karen Holmes is at the Immediate Past President on the Board of Directors for the Folsom Historic District and a partnering contributor with Folsom Times and All Town Media LLC. Copyright All Town Media LLC. Folsom Times 2023