Those that love checking out exotic sports cars and classics that hail from Italy, Folsom has an event coming up that is sure to get your motor running. It’s the return of Italy on Wheels, hosted by the Historic Murer House Foundation.
This year, the Murer House Foundation is celebrating its 11th of Italy on Wheels with its festival next Sunday, May 4 , from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1125 Joe Murer Court in Historic Folsom. A variety of new as well as classic and vintage Italian cars, motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles will be on exhibit.
Over the years, attendance for this event has averaged over 300 spectators and participants. At Italy on Wheels, visitors will have the opportunity to see up-close a Lamborghini sports car, a Ducati motorcycle, and other distinctive and exotic Italian models. Owners will be available to explain the features of their respective vehicles and answer any questions.
Awards will to be given for the top displays. Admission is free. Pizza, craft beer, and Italian sodas will be on sale. In addition, the Historic Murer House and Gardens will be open for touring; plus, the bocce court will be accessible for play! Come join the fun.
If you have an Italian car, motorcycle, motor scooter, and/or bicycle; and are interested in displaying one or more at Italy on Wheels, contact Joe Luchi at
The Murer House Foundation is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to preserve and maintain the historic Murer House property and provide cultural and educational opportunities for local citizens. The Murer House Foundation is supported exclusively through memberships, donations, classes, and events.