ORANGEVALE- One person was hospitalized, and three family pets were rescued and resuscitated after a house fire broke out Monday morning in Orangevale. Firefighters from the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District and the Folsom Fire Department responded to the scene and were able to contain the blaze to the home of origin.
Emergency crews both agencies were dispatched at approximately 8:13 a.m. to the 5900 block of Chestnut Avenue, near the intersection of Tamara Jean Road. According to Sacramento Metro Fire Battalion Chief Park Wilbourn at the scene, the fire originated in a back bedroom of the home before spreading into the attic.
“We did have a pretty well-seated fire in the back bedroom,” Wilbourn told Folsom Times at the scene.. “Two people in the home. One person did suffer some smoke inhalation injuries, so we’ve subsequently transported that individual to get assisted care.”
Two cats were also pulled from the home and resuscitated by firefighters at the scene. The cats received oxygen treatment and stimulation by firefighters at the scene and were doing well. A family dog was also safely evacuated from the building.
“We actually have one over there that’s continuing to be placed on oxygen and stimulated,” Wilburn said. “So that’s a good thing.”
Firefighters were able to prevent the blaze from spreading to nearby structures, ensuring that damage was limited to the home where the fire started.
“The fire was held to the home of origin, did not spread to adjacent structures,” Wilbourn added. “So overall, given the tragic incident, this is the best possible outcome.”

Folsom Times photos by Bill Sullivan
Investigators are working to determine the cause and exact origin of the fire. Crews remained at the scene throughout the morning, inspecting the home for hidden hot spots and ensuring the fire was fully extinguished.
Wilbourn emphasized the importance of functional smoke alarms and having a practiced escape plan in place for emergencies. The residents of the home were alerted to the fire and had exited by the time firefighters arrived, after initially attempting to put out the flames themselves.
“They were already out by the time we got here, so they were already alerted to it,” Wilburn said. “It sounds like the smoke had just started billowing inside, so much so that it overwhelmed them while they were trying to extinguish it themselves. And they made an exit, which is what we want our community to do.”
Wilbourn urged residents to leave immediately and call 911 if a fire becomes uncontrollable.
“If you’re beyond the ability to safely put that fire out, get out, make sure 911 is already started, and get to a safe location,” said Wilbourn. “That’s why it’s so important to check your smoke alarms and practice your own fire escape plan.”
A total of 15 firefighting units responded to the incident, including Folsom Fire’s Truck 35, Engine 32, and Medic 32, along with multiple units from Sacramento Metro Fire and fire investigators.
Authorities are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the fire. No additional injuries were reported and the condition of the individual that was transported remains unknown at this time. A section of Chestnut Avenue was completely closed off to traffic for some time during and after the response as crews fully secured the scene.

Folsom Times photos by Bill Sullivan.
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