In a move to enhance student safety, the Folsom City Council approved a resolution on Tuesday authorizing the construction of sidewalks along Old Ranch Way and Savannah Parkway in the Folsom Plan area, south of Highway 50. The move aims to provide safe walking routes for students traveling to and from Alder Creek Elementary School, which opened last month.

New residents and Alder Creek parents noticed a pedestrian problem after school started last month, amid overall traffic headaches in growing Folsom Ranch. Folsom Vice Mayor Sarah Aquino helped fast track the need for the addition after talking with residents in the district she represents. Aquino hasn’t stopped there, meanwhile, she has been volunteering as a crossing guard to help students cross safely coming to and leaving school to help out.

The resolution allows the City Manager to execute a construction agreement with Central Valley Engineering, Inc. for approximately 760 linear feet of six-foot-wide concrete sidewalks. The project is estimated to cost $101,869, with a total not to exceed amount of $112,056, including a ten percent contingency for unforeseen expenses.

The need for these sidewalks became evident after subdivision street improvements for Mangini Ranch Phase II did not include pedestrian pathways in the vicinity of the future Neighborhood Park 2. The park’s design phase is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2025-26, but immediate action was deemed necessary to ensure safe access for students prior to the park’s development.

Public Works staff solicited bids from three contractors, with Central Valley Engineering emerging as the lowest bidder.