The following is a testimonial from one of my clients Melissa Copley after she won a contest that gave her the opportunity to give Symmetry for Health a try. We love to hear success stories like this one and this month’s For the Health of It, I am sharing her story below. We hope you enjoy Melissa’s enthusiasm as much as us….

When it comes to raffle prizes or drawings, I never win. My luck changed at a charity golf tournament. I threw some tickets into a basket for this item called “Symmetry Postural Alignment Technology” because it looked interesting. The next thing I knew, they were calling MY number! 


I’m a little skeptical about new approaches to health and wellness. One phone call and a week later, I walked into the place that would turn my structural wellbeing upside down. 

The first thing I discovered is Symmetry is a happy place. I was greeted by the larger-than-life enthusiasm of Symmetry founder, Patrick Mummy, and his staff. They asked me questions about my health concerns, exercise habits and physical pain level. They explained the theory behind Symmetry and how having our bodies in alignment eliminates physical health and chronic pain issues. Patrick then pulled out this measuring device, which measures specific misalignments. Still skeptical, I listened. He went on to tell me about how this device works and how I would be able to correct my misalignment with at home exercise routines. It made sense and sounded easy enough, but did it work?


Patrick measured my alignment and entered my numbers into Symmetry’s patented AlignSmart™ software program. As they were taking measurements, I kept thinking, how bad can I be? It’s a good thing I was sitting down when the software kicked out my numbers. I was a misaligned, lopsided, forward-tilting, knock-kneed mess. On a scale of 0 to 27 with 0 being perfect alignment, I scored a 24 in the transverse category, 11 in the frontal and 15 in the sagittal for a total score of 50. Yikes! What’s worse, Patrick knew exactly what I was experiencing from a pain and physical symptoms standpoint without me having to tell him. 

After swallowing my pride and conceding that I had some serious alignment problems, they proceeded to devise my exercise routine. Based on my input, Patrick created a 15-minute routine that I was to complete twice daily. Patrick’s background in athletic training reflects his knowledge of the human musculoskeletal system and how it’s connected to symptoms exposed in the evaluation. 


I decided to give it a try. I got the proof I needed in my next set of numbers only two weeks later. My total score plummeted to 30. After a few months, I hit a total score of 11. The process of breaking years of alignment issues from sitting at work, playing sports, carrying toddlers on my hip, lifting heavy objects, and who knows what else, was happening. My body was willing to correct itself, but I had to be willing to make the commitment to continue. For the next two months, I went every two weeks. Each time I got measured, we’d discuss symptoms, and I would come home with a new set of exercises. The exercises did not get easier, nor did finding the time. But, discipline is the main reason Symmetry works. If you don’t do the work, you can’t make the corrections. 


The work is worth it. Symmetry has led me to a new and consistent level of wellness. Not only do I feel better, but my body has physically achieved things I never knew possible. I just finished my second Boston Marathon! Most importantly, I have been empowered to take charge of my physical health, without medicating. Do I now understand why Symmetry is such a happy place? Absolutely. What Patrick has created is a pathway to better structural and physical health for the long-term. If you are seeking a real difference, don’t hesitate to put your tickets in the Symmetry basket. You might just discover you won the lottery.

About Patrick Mummy and Symmetry for Health


Whenever Symmetry gets a client into their office, they ask them if anyone has ever explained their pain as it relates to gravity. The answer inevitably is ‘no’. This is because western medicine tends to move pain to the forefront of the perceived problem and therefore the majority of the conversation is focused on the pain itself. For example, many of Symmetry’s clients are very excited to show them their X-rays or MRI reports. They assume the Symmetry staff will also want to talk about these reports because that is what most clients are used to talking about when dealing with their pain. To Symmetry, pain is simply the by-product of systemic breakdown due to years of dysfunction and not a complete reason in and of itself.

Patrick Mummy is the owner and founder of Symmetry, created his company in 1997 in San Diego to complete the tie between reactive medicine and preventative medicine. In 2007 Patrick received a patent on his quantitative approach to the human frame and the treatment of the human frame, called AlignSmart. Ironically, this was the same year he moved back up to northern California with his two daughters, and eventually ended up in Folsom, where he has spent the last 10 years refining his system.

Newton’s third law states that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. This law is the basis from which Symmetry was created and it remains the most important aspect because gravity is constant and dependable. Just as an architect designs a building, or an engineer, a car, the number one issue they focus on is gravity and the forces that apply to the structures surrounding it, whether static or dynamic. When the human frame does not apply a balanced reaction up against the force of gravity in a constant and equal way, then ANY structure will be forced to adjust. This is the definition of compensation and the reason why one ultimately obtains chronic pain.

When a client comes into Symmetry, they don’t look at them in terms of pain but rather as a delicate system of levers and pulleys. Symmetry measures your posture and compares that to the blueprint your body is supposed to reflect.

If it doesn’t, which most don’t, then Symmetry’s AlignSmart software technology creates a suggested sequence of corrective stretches that they teach to you so that you can fix yourself. “If you cannot take your practitioner home with you every day, then whatever pain-relief treatment you have sought will more then likely be temporary”, says Patrick Mummy. “And at the end of the day, this creates reliance because pain relief is the focus, and not the education and support one needs to make a long-lasting change.”

Learn more about Symmetry for Health and how they can help you by visiting their website atwww.symmetryforhealth.comor calling them to set up a consultation at 916-467-7764. They are located at 1845 Iron Point Road in Folsom.