Folsom’s Twin Lakes Food Bank has announced it ill host its annual night of food, fun, and a live auction to benefit hungry families in our community on Nov. 8 this year The food bank hopes to raise $300,000 to continue the programs and services of the food bank. These funds will feed nearly 1800 families in the Folsom community.

The yearly gala has become an anticipated community tradition as Folsom’s generous donors enjoy good food, live music, and the entertaining auctioneering of Freddie Silvera. In addition to games and premium auction items, attendees will learn more about Twin Lakes Food Bank’s mission and hear how the simple kindness of a few individuals has changed lives in our community.


Anticipating the evening’s events, Lisa Tuter, Twin Lakes Food Bank Executive Director shared, “I can’t wait for attendees to hear what has happened at the food bank this year. Folsom has always stepped up to help those in need in our community, especially this year, when we have needed their support more than ever.”

With rising food prices, the food bank has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Folsom families with more month than money. Twin Lakes Food Bank’s programs enable these families to spend their income on rent, bills, and education instead of food. 


“Ending hunger takes all of us working together, and our annual gala is our major source of income to keep focused on providing nutritious food for families in need.  Without your generous support, we couldn’t feed nearly 3,000 individuals every month,” said Deb Goldsmith, Twin Lakes Food Bank Board President “ At Twin Lakes, we represent much more than a cart full of food. We offer engagement, network, and connection to our guests.”

The gala begins at 5:30 p.m. at Lakeside Church. The harvest-themed evening will be both classy and relaxed for guests. Beginning September 27, tickets will be available for $100 each on the official event website here.


For those unable to attend the live auction, consider participating in the online auction from November 1-10.


“The TLFB Gala is the event of the year! This fundraiser brings to the surface the reality of the challenges many families face with food insecurities,” said Folsom City Council member and Sacramento County Supervisor-elect, Rosario Rodriguez, who has attended the event several. “It’s great to see the community of supporters ensure our senior citizens and families with young children have access to nutritious food.”