RANCHO CORDOVA – A fast response by firefighters from the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District prevented a large commercial fire from spreading to additional businesses late Thursday night in Friday in Rancho Cordova.
It was 11:01 p.m. on Thursday night when crews arrived to a well involved large multi-occupancy commercial fire on the 11300 block of Folsom Boulevard with several units involved with fire and fire through the roof. According to the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, the structure was not equipped with fire sprinklers, which allowed the fire to grow rapidly through the building. Crews were also met with forcible entry challenges, according to the report, requiring the cutting of multiple roll up doors to gain access into the building.
The department said that ember casting also caused concern with spot fires flying onto other buildings and nearby vegetation, prompting a second alarm shortly after units arrived for additional resources.
The fire was fought with 250-325 gallon per minute hoselines from the ground, and multiple aerial ladder trucks flowing 1000 gallons per minute each over the top.
According to Metro Fire, the active fire was knocked down in under 40 minutes. Crews remained on scene well into the early morning hours, looking for hidden fire and salvaging property.
The fire was held to the building of origin and heavily damaged several units within the building. No injuries were reported in the firefight. At this time the fire is under investigation.