Online fundraising page launched for local family that lost just about everything
Saturday started as an ordinary day for the Servodio family of Folsom, but their world was turned upside down shortly after nightfall. Their doorbell rang, and a neighbor delivered devastating news: their home on Walden Drive was on fire. Although the family of eight managed to evacuate safely, they lost nearly everything in the blaze. To make matters worse, within 48 hours of the fire, their boarded-up, fenced-off home was broken into and burglarized.
“They cut the locks, broke through the fence, and forced open the door,” Lorraine Servodio told Folsom Times. Servodio, who was one of the eight residents that lived in the rented home with her family, expressed disbelief over the crime. “We don’t know if this was someone just trying to have a good time or something else, but they went through all the drawers and whatnot in what is left of our home. We’re not sure exactly what all is missing at this point, but we do know an iPad was taken, which we are trying to track.”
The burglary reportedly occurred Sunday night. Servodio alerted Folsom Police, who are investigating the incident. The house has since been resecured. According to Servodio, a neighbor later reported that they had seen someone carrying a duffel bag in the area on Sunday but nothing has been confirmed if they are connected at this time. Diedre McCullif with the Folsom Police Department confirmed that a report had been filed and the incident was under investigation. The department had not additional details outside of the Servodio shared with Folsom Times.
Both the Folsom Fire Department and units from the El Dorado Hills Fire Department responded to the fire at the 1200 block of Walden Drive shortly after 7:00 p.m. Saturday. A total of ten units were involved in the response, including four engines and two trucks.
“Upon arrival, firefighters encountered heavy smoke and fire coming from the garage and attic space of a single-story home,” said Bill Woodward, Battalion Chief for the Folsom Fire Department. “Vertical ventilation and multiple hose lines helped fire personnel contain the fire within 15 minutes of dispatch.”
Despite the swift response, the fire caused significant damage, consuming most of the home’s contents and leaving the Servodio family with little more than the clothes they were wearing. Many of their remaining possessions were damaged by smoke and water, and now some of those items have been stolen in the burglary.
For now, the family is staying in a nearby hotel arranged by the American Red Cross as they navigate this difficult time. To help the family recover, a GoFundMe page has been set up with a goal of $6,500. As of Monday morning, $1,075 has been raised. Those wishing to support the Servodio family can find the fundraising page HERE.
“Please pray, donate, share, anything you can do to help would be incredibly helpful as they are currently living in a hotel with nothing but the clothes they were wearing,” said Jessa Stoneburner who has organized the fundraising efforts.