City of Folsom seeks project submissions by deadline of June 28

Folsom’s annual Community Service Day may still be a few months away, but planning is well underway for the event and the Folsom Parks and Recreation Department is looking for input from members of the community on project ideas. All projects must be submitted by June 28.

Set for September 21 this year, Community Service Day in Folsom is a citywide initiative that unites thousands of volunteers in accomplishing numerous service projects across the city, leaving a positive and lasting impact. Projects range from landscaping, repairing area parks, cleaning various areas, trail improvements, a  food drive and much more each year. 

Have you seen something around town that looks like it could use repair or a little sprucing up? Now is the time to let the Community Service Day Steering Committee know you have an idea for a project so they can review it and get it on the agenda if they feel it can be accomplished during the day the community unites to serve.

To ensure your ideas are considered for this year’s event, the deadline for submitting project requests is June 28. Submitting your ideas is quick and easy; simply click HERE to access the online submission form.

For general information about Community Service Day, volunteering opportunities that will open in the next few month, and more, please visit the official event website. HERE to stay informed and be part of this exciting day dedicated to serving the community.  

In the past, this event has had more than 20,,000 volunteers since its inception 11 years ago, completing over 900 projects for city areas, over 500 exterior projects for area seniors and collected over half a million pounds of food in its citywide food drive on the same day.