Folsom Police Chief Rick Hillman and other members of the Folsom Police Department took came together outside of the Folsom Police Station Sunday afternoon to help participate in the last call made by longtime dispatcher Eva Canaday who officially retired from the department this week.
Canaday has provided the City of Folsom and the Folsom Police Department with 22-years of dedicated service. During her tenure, she was responsible for training nearly every dispatcher who currently works at the Folsom Police Department.
“Eva’s passion for her work and her drive to inspire this love in other led Eva to become a relied upon trainer,” explained the department in their farewell message to its newest retiree. “We wish Eva the best retirement. Congratulations, we thank you for your service.”

Eva’s farewell was the second send-off of the month for the department. Earlier this month, the department gathered on the front steps in its traditional “gauntlet” style to say congratulations and farewell to longtime Community Service Officer (CSO) Laura Knudsen.
Knudsen was part of the Folsom Police Department family for 16 years. She filled the roles of a property and evidence technician, was part of the department’s Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Team and was most recent a CSO for the department.

“Laura has been a key part of of community outreach and employment development, taking new employees under her wing and showing them the ropes, “ said the Folsom Police Department. “Thanks for your service to our community and our department. We wish you all the best in your retirement.