Latest election results indicate that Folsom City Councilwoman and restaurant owner Rosario Rodriguez extended her lead enough to ensure she would secure an outright win without requiring a runoff in the race to replace retiring Supervisor Sue Frost. It will be the first time a non-incumbent has won in the primary since Roger Niello won his race to replace Supervisor Dave Cox in the June Primary almost a quarter-century ago.

“Rosario has garnered over 51% of the vote in each update,” said Tab Berg, Rodriguez’s political advisor. “The math shows with certainty that she will finish the election with a over 51% of votes cast – well over the threshold needed to clinch the seat in the Primary.”


Rodriguez’s vote total is currently 51.5% of the vote – a lead of over 16,000 votes as of Friday afternoon.

“My campaign succeeded because I had a trusted team and because we focused on getting results and thinking outside the box and beyond the echo chamber.  That’s the same philosophy I will be taking to the Board of Supervisors,” Rodriguez said.


Rodriguez also announced her transition team in a press release Friday afternoon which will coordinate hiring and policy initiatives until she takes office in January 2025.

Transition Team

  • Tab Berg, TABcommunications, Chair
  • Amanda Blackwood, Partner at I-Street Public Affairs
  • Greg Stuber, President, Sacramento County Probation Association
  • Diane Ebbit, former CEO, Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce
  • David Loya, Chief Strategy Officer, The Gathering Inn